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Points Min: 0 Points Max: 35
Masts Min: 0 Masts Max: 10
Cargo Min: 0 Cargo Max: 10
Base Speed: None S L S+S S+L S+S+S L+L D T
Barbary Corsair
Jade Rebellion
Unique Treasure
Shareable link:
Points: 15 5
Other ships do not block this ship's line of fire.
The Revenant ("one who returns after death") is an appropriate name for the mysterious flagship of Capitán El Fantasma and his ghostly crew.
Points: 6 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The Snipe is a fast and agile sloop whose speed is her best defense. Jack Hawkins used the Snipe to capture the Sea Nymph.
Points: 17 5
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
The very sight of the black sails of Blackheart's flagship has caused ships to strike their colors and surrender.
Points: 5 1
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The Zephyr was the sloop that Calico Cat stole from Havana. Her crew is made up of the most deadly fighters Havana's slums have ever produced.
Points: 13 4
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Taking the El Aquilino—now renamed the Shadow—launched Calico Cat into prominence. How she managed to take such a large ship is still a mystery, but the Cat now has more firepower in her quest for revenge.
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Mastered by the mysterious and beautiful Crimson Angel, the Pandora spreads death and destruction. Unlike the evils spread by the mythological relic, however, Crimson Angel's plunderings are capricious: Some ships suffer only theft, while others are wiped out.
Points: 11 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
The Revenge was known as HMS Sedgewick before she was liberated by Genny Gallows, who gave the ship a new purpose: sending the English to their maker.
El Ladron
Points: 9 3
When this ship sinks another ship, you may repair one of this ship's masts.
The Thief is mastered by Robert Fagan, a London street urchin who leveraged a life of petty crime into one of piracy. Fagan remembers his poor days well, ordering his crew to strip targets of every scrap before letting them sink.
Sea Nymph
Points: 11 4
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S.
After Captain Jack Hawkins was "asked" to leave the Ballista, he worked his way back to prominence by taking the El Gama Larga, which he renamed the Sea Nymph as an insult to his former crew.
Points: 12 3
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Captain Luc de Card won the Silverback in a card game. Ironically, he later lost the French warship when he bet three kings against a full house. He remarked ruefully that he should have known better than to depend on kings, of all people.
Darkhawk II
Points: 10 4
This ship’s base move becomes S when she reaches her cargo limit.
The El Pájaro Relleno was Master Bianco's favorite ship before she was captured. He once said, "Given time, I could hide most of Spain in her enormous hold."
Points: 12 3
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The Freedom's Captain James avoids stand-up fights. As he says, "Cannons are indiscriminate: They might hurt me—not just my crew!" Sneaking into port and stealing is much more his style.
Raven's Neck
Points: 12 4
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down treasure on any island.
The tall crows nests of the Raven's Neck provide excellent vantage points for the spotting of treasure and targets.
Points: 9 3
Forts cannot shoot at this ship.
The Windjammer's nimble nature makes her a tough target, but at the cost of reduced firepower.
El Ballista
Points: 9 4
On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship.
Under Spain's control, the El Ballista was considered unbeatable, but Jack Hawkins won her without firing a shot. He wanted to name her the Sea Nymph in honor of his female accomplices, but his crew decided to keep the name and lose Hawkins instead.
Points: 9 3
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Sailed by a crew of buccaneers who became sharpshooters while hunting illegal game, the Recreant prefers to first eliminate enemy officers in a fight to reduce her prey's effectiveness.
Points: 5 2
English ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The Treachery earned her name and the eternal hatred of Her Majesty's Navy when she "guided" the fleet over a reef that splintered their hulls. Her crew later returned and looted the wrecked ships.
Points: 6 3
This ship may never load the last treasure from an island.
Although they are excellent gunners, the crew of the Longshanks do not coordinate well on any other tasks, including the gathering of treasure.
El Chico
Points: 5 2
Spanish ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The Boy," formally the El Gregorio, was a member of the armada that guarded the annual treasure fleet from Tierra Firma to Spain. Her capitan, Oro Navarro, sold the fleet's location to Blackheart, and no Spaniard will rest until Navarro and his crew are dead.
Points: 9 3
When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
No crew trims sails like this ship's, and when her hull is empty she sprints like her namesake. Her accurate fore and aft guns were made by WeaponmMaster Charles Southwyn.
Carrion Crow
Points: 4 2
Eliminate one of this ship's masts when she rolls a 1 on any cannon roll.
The Carrion Crow has not had the best of luck recently, as Fernando Sanchez has twice attacked and damaged her. The result is that the ship has no money and is becoming run down.
El Dorado
Points: 11 3
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
The Gilded One was known as the San Salvador before David "Bones" Wylie won her on a lucky die roll. His crew's talents complement his luck, with several qualified captains among them.
Royal Fortune
Points: 7 2
Spanish crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The Royal Fortune seeks to deliver what her name implies. Manned by both buccaneers and ex-Spanish sailors, she preys on the royal fleets of all nations.
Muerta de la Corona
Points: 9 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Spanish ships.
Death to the Crown was so named by Gaspar Zuan to appease his brother's bloodlust for the throne of Spain.
Bonny Kate
Points: 7 2
English crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The Bonny Kate is a welcoming berth to any British lad who will take an oath against all kings.
Batavian Bat
Points: 9 3
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Narrow of beam and light of sail, the Batavian Bat is very nimble, but not fantastically fast. She prefers to engage from long range, making her a tough target.
Points: 4 2
This ship sinks when her last mast is eliminated.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Venture carries more gunpowder than she should in order to double pack her guns for better range. But that makes her a potential fireworks display.
Silver Dagger
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +L to her base move if she has all of her masts.
The Silver Dagger was taken from the Dutch near the island of St. Barts. She is swift when undamaged, but slothful when wounded. To prevent being slowed, she has excellent cannons stolen from the Spanish
Calico Cat
Points: 3
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Calico Cat (real name rumored to be Catherine) got her start only recently by stealing a Spanish sloop from Havana. She leads her crew with a dazzling smile that belies her deadly determination. Her anonymous past cannot hide her suffering, and she intends to make the crowns of Europe suffer as well.
Captain Blackheart
Points: 5
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action.
Angus Skyme came to the Spanish Main in the brig of HMS Prudence. He escaped the gallows and gathered the roughest crew in the Caribbean. Blackheart shows no quarter to his victims or crew, and he has killed many of both for his amusement and profit. He still bears the scar from the duel he fought with Hawkins over Lady Arcadia de Sol.
El Fantasma
Points: 4
Link: Ghost Crew
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Sailing into and out of the mists, El Fantasma uses stealth as his major weapon. None know for sure whether he and his crew are even human—they seem to appear and disappear at will and are almost impossible to hit with cannons.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Captain Jack Hawkins
Points: 4
Link: Skyme the Monkey
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship.
Hawkins was an expert marksman and poacher until he was caught and shipped to Port Royal as an indentured servant. Blackheart liberated Hawkins when he sacked Port Royal, and the pair was dynamic until a dispute over Lady Arcadia de Sol. Hawkins won the girl, but also a powerful enemy.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Genny Gallows
Points: 3
Link: Genny's Red Rampage
One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when she docks at your home island.
Captain Gallows has hated England since the day she watched her father's neck stretched. She will attack any ship, but relishes hurting England the most. Her crew would follow her to the gates of hell, both because of her leadership and her connections on the Spanish Main.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Ghost Crew
Points: 6
Link: El Fantasma
This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
Some say the Ghost Crew are damned men cursed to sail these waters until they send enough souls to hell to get theirs back. Others say that El Fantasma and his crew are human, just tricky enough to terrify their opponents before they fire the first shot.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
David "Bones" Wiley
Points: 3
Link: Lucky the Parrot
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Wiley was raised and groomed for command by the dread pirate Rodriguez. When Rodriguez was killed in combat, Wiley was paralyzed by his new post. So he carved two dice out of Rodriguez's skull, allowing his mentor to guide him even in death.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Fidel Zuan
Points: 2
Link: Gaspar Zuan
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Spanish ships.
Fidel Zuan loves his brother, Gaspar. He reminded himself of that every day he rotted in a Spanish prison. After finally freeing him, his brother "explained" that Fidel had been falsely accused and wrongfully imprisoned. Fidel now fights the Spanish like the devil himself.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Skyme the Monkey
Points: 2
Link: Captain Jack Hawkins
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Lady Arcadia de Sol gifted this monkey to Jack after he saved her from Blackheart. Jack renamed him Skyme in honor of his old partner, but wishes that he hadn't: The monkey seems to have picked up some of Blackheart's more evil mannerisms.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Lucky the Parrot
Points: 1
Link: David "Bones" Wiley
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Bones often has Lucky fly to a ship to see what she holds. When Lucky returns, it uses its claws to "roll" dice into a stein, determining if the ship will be spared or pursued. Potential victims know that to shoot at Lucky would result in Wiley killing them and everyone they've ever met, so they leave their fate to the dice.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Genny's Red Rampage
Points: 2
Link: Genny Gallows
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Genny Gallows' crew have been known to kill each other for the right to wear cloth torn from the curtains of the Red Curtain bordello, which signifies membership in the Red Rampage boarding party. Rumor is that the banshees who survive a tour are treated to a night at the Red Curtain.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Gaspar Zuan
Points: 2
Link: Fidel Zuan
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Gaspar was given the El Picador by Spain to hunt English pirates, and his brother Fidel was kept hostage to ensure his return. But Gaspar betrayed them both by attacking the Spanish treasure fleet. Gaspar can talk anyone into joining him, even his brother. One day his lies will catch up with him, but that day is not today.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
HMS Titan
Points: 17 5
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
HMS Titan, the largest English ship on the Spanish Main, is the only ship that has ever wounded the mysterious Revenant. Admiral Lord Battonbrig commands the Titan with iron discipline.
HMS Albion
Points: 5 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S.
HMS Albion is an excellent scouting sloop. She especially shines in slow waters, sailing circles around more bulky vessels.
HMS Lord Algernon
Points: 15 5
This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
HMS Lord Algernon is constructed of double-planked American colonial hardwood, making her slow but almost cannon proof. She has come to the Spanish Main to support attacks on Spanish interests.
HMS Europa
Points: 8 1
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
The crew of the sloop HMS Europa live in fear that Commander Temple will again come aboard on a scouting mission.
HMS Leicester
Points: 18 4
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
HMS Leicester is currently the English fleet's most effective gunship. She features batteries of a new cannon type designed by Weapon-master Charles Southwyn.
HMS Oxley
Points: 15 3
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
HMS Oxley features heavy cannons that can splinter an enemy mast in a single broadside. The downside is that the guns are too heavy for the crew to maneuver quickly, reducing accuracy.
HMS King Edward
Points: 13 4
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
HMS King Edward, the most modern English ship in the Caribbean, is often the flagship of larger naval actions. When a senior officer is on board, her crew excels—especially her gun crew.
HMS Belle of Exeter
Points: 16 3
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
Ironsides Exeter, as she is known to many in the Caribbean, has plate iron surrounding all her gun decks. This makes her cannons almost impossible to destroy, but her speed and cargo capacity suffer as a result.
HMS Dover
Points: 10 4
HMS Dover is the standard of Her Majesty's Navy. She is large, well armed, has above-average cargo capacity, and is capable of reasonable speed.
HMS Bolingbroke
Points: 10 3
Other ships do not block this ship's line of fire.
Captain McGrath is not the most flamboyant of commanders, but his gun crew is among the best on the Spanish Main thanks to his endless training.
HMS Gallowglass
Points: 6 2
When this ship sinks another ship, you may repair one of this ship's masts.
HMS Gallowglass is manned by many ex-cons, including several "Bones" Wylie’s crew. These men can strip valuables from sinking ships and barely get their feet wet.
HMS Birkenhead
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
HMS Birkenhead was part of several of Sir Myngs' insertions into Spanish ports. It was outfitted with spikes and guillotine lines to aid in the repelling of boarding parties.
HMS Meresman
Points: 6 2
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
The guns of HMS Meresman have the longest range on the Spanish Main.
HMS Wycliffe
Points: 9 3
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
HMS Wycliffe was constructed in the shipyards of Boston of incredibly strong American hardwoods. It is said that she can withstand being rammed by any ship on the Spanish Main.
HMS Plantagenet
Points: 8 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
HMS Plantagenet is a small, mercurial ship able to sail in shallow waters and up streams. This pirate hunter is manned exclusively by men who have lost everything to pirates.
HMS Lord Walpole
Points: 10 3
When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated.
HMS Lord Walpole's gun crew was personally trained by Thomas Gunn, so suffice it to say they are good shots.
Admiral Morgan
Points: 5
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Henry Morgan was once a feared buccaneer. Sailing under letters of marque from Sir Myngs and Governor Modyford, he became wealthy by sacking Spanish Caribbean towns. Governor Lynch sent him to England to stand trial for his crimes, but instead he was knighted and made admiral of all the English fleets on the Spanish Main.
Sir Christopher Myngs
Points: 3
Link: Myng's Marauders
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Myngs was sent to the Spanish Main to remove the Spanish. As usual, however, he wasn't given enough ships to do the job, so he pioneered the English-buccaneer fleet. He personally led the largest of these fleets against the Spanish and Dutch.
Carbon Charlie
Points: 3
Link: Powder Pete
When this ship is docked at your home island, you may eliminate one treasure. It becomes a rank 3 cannon that shoots short range and can only be eliminated when the ship sinks.
Always covered in soot from his forge, "Carbon Charlie" makes some of the finest firearms in the world. His crowning achievement—the secret of which he will likely take to the grave—is the world's largest cannon.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Thomas Gunn the Elder
Points: 3
Link: Thomas Gunn the Younger
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Spanish ships.
Gunn's family was sailing to Jamaica when the Spanish warship El Tirón attacked. His wife was killed, and Capitán de Alva took Gunn's 18-year-old daughter, Catherine, hostage. Gunn sold his soul to the navy for ransom money, but Spain denies any knowledge of her.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Governor Lynch
Points: 3
Link: Lynch's Noose
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Lynch hates pirates with a passion that defies reason. He despises Morgan for being a pirate and Myngs and Modyford for sullying the crown of England by associating with them. He often leads his fleets in pirate-hunting expeditions.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Countess Diana Doone
Points: 2
Link: Brother Virgil
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Countess Doone is the sweet-talking belle of English Caribbean society. Her dark secret is that she was actually shipped to the Spanish Main as an Irish indentured servant. When her ship was attacked by pirates, she took advantage of the chaos to take the possessions and personality of a rich young lady who no longer "needed" them. She has spellbound the Jamaican royal court ever since.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Myngs Marauders
Points: 3
Link: Sir Christopher Myngs
Other ships do not block this ship's line of fire.
Myngs' most-trusted men have been with him since he was captain of the 52-gun Marston Moor. They are well trained and have deadly aim.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Thomas Gunn the Younger
Points: 5
Link: Thomas Gunn the Elder
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action, plus. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Gunn became a marine in His Majesty's Navy to seek revenge on the Spanish for his mother's death and sister's abduction, and he becomes more convinced every day that pirates deserve to die. His marksmanship is famous on the Main, as is his pension for keeping to himself.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Brother Virgil
Points: 3
Link: Countess Diana Doone
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Brother Virgil has been a spiritual guide to island natives for many years. No one knows exactly which holy order he belongs to, but it apparently does not require a vow of poverty: The affable monk has grown rich from "gifts" received for placing crew on ships.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Lynch's Noose
Points: 2
Link: Governor Lynch
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The Noose is a special unit of the King's Marines that specializes in the bloody business of boarding actions. These men are the most loyal to Governor Lynch and his quest to rid the Caribbean of pirates.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Powder Pete
Points: 2
Link: Carbon Charlie
One of this ship's treasures is worth +1 gold when she docks at your home island.
Pete is Carbon Charlie's right-hand man—mostly because he caused Charlie to lose his right arm! Powder Pete knows how to turn cannons into gold and, when they have it, gold into more gold.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Commander Temple
Points: 6
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
Temple is the second son of an English nobleman in Ireland. Many say that his success has been greased with the blood of men he throws into hopeless situations and deadly boarding actions. His only weakness is his infatuation with the lovely Countess Doone.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
El Acorazado
Points: 21 5
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship's masts.
The captain of "The Battleship," pride of the Spanish fleet and perhaps the strongest ship ever built, claims that not even the devil himself could sink her. The mysterious pirate El Fantasma, however, may soon test that boast.
Santa Teresa
Points: 9 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The crew of the Santa Teresa believe that their sloop is blessed by Teresa herself, for their luck has never run out.
El Garante
Points: 21 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls for every friendly ship within S of her.
This is the capital ship of the Armada de Barlavento—the special fleet assigned to rid the Spanish Main of pirates. "The Guarantor" is often under the command of Almirante del Nero, who oversees his crew's competition with the El Acorazado.
La Repulsa
Points: 14 1
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls for every friendly ship within S of her.
The Repulse is a small but effective scout sloop. The confidence and performance of her small crew dramatically improve when she is part of a larger force.
La Joya del Sol
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
An imposing armed merchant ship, "The Jewel of the Sun" can move quickly with a large cargo. Built by a consortium of merchants, she was outfitted with decent guns, but her crew is trained in little other than repelling boarders.
El Tirador
Points: 8 3
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Comandante Antonio de Silva personally trained the marines on "The Gunner" to pick off enemy crew from long range. The ship has thus become famous for leaving her opponents "headless."
L' Aguila
Points: 12 4
When touching a Pirate ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
Under Capitán Alarico Castro, "The Eagle" has earned a fearsome reputation. Castro's crew has perfected the art of ransacking and destroying their pirate enemies. It is rumored that he keeps a portion of the spoils hidden from Spain.
Cazador Del Pirata
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
The crew of the "Pirate Hunter" was literally whipped into shape by the obsessive Almirante Devante del Nero. He ensured that the only thing they hated more than him was pirates.
La Resolucion
Points: 12 4
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Capitán Alberto Ladrón was sent from the Castilian court in disgrace, his commission as capitán the only recognition of his years of royal service. He now uses the La Resolución to prepare for his triumphant return to the royal court.
Asesino de la Nave
Points: 12 3
When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
The "Ship Killer" is armed with huge bore cannons capable of devastating short-range damage. Capitán Gonzalo Mora first rose to prominence on her deck.
La Furia
Points: 12 2
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
Although "The Fury" was outfitted with the same cannons as the Asesino de la Nave, she does not perform as well at short range, a fact that can be attributed only to the quality of her gun crew.
El Duque
Points: 11 3
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
The Duke was once the largest Spanish ship permanently stationed in the Caribbean. Even though there are now larger ships in the area, the El Duque is still the fleet's flagship by virtue of her exceptional crew.
Pescados de Plata
Points: 8 2
Once per turn, this ship may move S after unloading cargo.
The "Silver Fish" is fast and agile. Her crews are all ex–merchant sailors, and so they are expert cargo handlers
El Corazon del Mar
Points: 8 3
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S.
The crew of "The Heart of the Sea" certainly live up to their ship's name: They put their hearts and backs into anything they do.
El Picador
Points: 5 2
The Bullfighter was named after the story of a famous matador who went to sea after losing his leg in the arena. His spirit is said to inhabit this ship, bringing much courage to her crew.
El Leon
Points: 9 3
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
The capitán of "The Lion" relies on his ship's incredibly strong hull and his crew's bloodthirsty nature. In combat, he favors closing in quickly and then sending boarding parties.
Capitán Alarico Castro
Points: 3
Link: Castro's Loyalists
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Castro is a dedicated man, but ultimately not to Spain. He "overcame" his Moorish heritage to rise to the top of the Spanish Navy, but he plots against every Castilian who has wronged him. Castro does his duty, but he patiently waits to make his move.
Comandante Luys de Alva
Points: 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
Some say that de Alva's influential parents are the reason for his rapid climb in the Spanish Navy; these people do not know de Alva. His singular vision is to rid the Spanish Main of foreign holdings, starting with the English and the pirates they sponsor. De Alva's biggest weakness is becoming too "involved" with his "prizes."
Master Gunner Rogelio Vazquez
Points: 5
Link: Joaquin Vega
All of this ship's cannons have L range.
Vazquez can hit a wine glass with a cannonball at 500 yards. He secretly desires to own a weapon made by the master himself, Charles Southwyn, so he searches through every treasure haul, looking for items made by the English legend.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Master Bianco
Points: 3
Link: Bianco's Haulers
This ship gets +1 cargo spaces. This crew takes up no cargo space.
This quiet, unassuming man is in demand for his unrivaled cargo-packing efficiency. But only Capitán Castro knows that Bianco always packs away something extra for himself. Bianco knows that Castro will one day require payment for his secrecy.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Fernando Sanchez
Points: 5
Link: Nemesio Diaz
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Sanchez uses information smuggled to him by Nemesio Diaz to raid enemy ports when they are most laden with gold. Sanchez has put a price on Hawkins' head for tricking his galleon onto a reef, and he's doubled that price for Hawkins' monkey, Skyme. His expensive hatred of the monkey remains unexplained.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Almirante Devante del Nero
Points: 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Almirante del Nero, commander of the Armada de Barlavento, is a man driven almost mad by his zeal to rid the Spanish Main of pirates. To fail will be to fail his duty to God. His vision is so singular that he even secretly corresponds with his nation's enemy, Governor Lynch of Jamaica.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Castro's Loyalists
Points: 2
Link: Capitán Alarico Castro
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Over the years, Capitán Castro has surrounded himself with loyal crew. They are hardened men who fight well and don’t question their orders, and Castro is betting on that when the time comes to change flags.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Joaquin Vega
Points: 4
Link: Master Gunner Rogelio Vazquez
This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
Joaquin Vega is a master blacksmith. His swords rival those of Castile, and his ship armor is unparalleled the world over.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Bianco's Haulers
Points: 3
Link: Master Bianco
This ship may unload cargo at your home island if she's within S of it.
Master Bianco has a small fleet that shuttles his secret stores from the ships in the middle of the night. The strong backs and iron arms of his Haulers help to move the cargo quickly by rowboat and to defend it from curious eyes and meddling hands.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 cannon with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Nemesio Diaz
Points: 5
Link: Fernando Sanchez
Once per turn, cancel the ability of one crew or ship within S of this ship.
Nemesio Diaz (aka William Cob, Jean Parisot la Valette, and Michel van Horn) is a true son of Spain, but he spends most of his time spying on the aristocracy of Spain's enemies. He works to defeat any who would plunder the riches that are Spain's by papal decree; that is, all of the Americas.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Gonzalo Mora
Points: 2
When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated.
Capitán Mora is a shark who prefers surgical strikes to the blundering tactics of the English. His instincts about the weak spot of a fleet or ship are amazing, allowing his gunners to do more damage with a single shot than other crews might do with several broadsides.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Comandante Antonio de Silva
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
As a King's Marine, de Silva was once one of Spain's top musketeers. When he lost his right eye to a grape-shot volley fired by Christopher Myngs' ship, he feared for his career. But he learned to shoot all over again, vowing revenge on Myngs, his pirates, and all English.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Shipping Charts
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Marksman's Map
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down treasure on any island.
Forged Papers
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Homemade Flag
Cannon ranges of enemy ships are reduced to S against this ship.
Do not give this ship an action the turn after loading Rum. Rum is worth gold equal to 6 minus the number of this ship's crew when Rum was loaded.
Eliminate all crew on this ship; she cannot dock. When she touches another ship, unload Plague onto that ship.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 19 5
Ghost Ship.
Damned souls are condemned to the Deliverance,where they commit the same atrocities that doomed them in life. This spectral ship is commanded by Wraith—an entity whose malice rivals that of the Devil.
La Victoire
Points: 14 5
French crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Le Requin's language skills and treacherous use of flags conspire to lure other ships into La Victoire's net, though he is almost chivalric toward those who serve France—after all, they are countrymen!
Points: 14 4
Broadsides Attack.
Brother Virgil inspired the crew of the Ranger to become seagoing Robin Hoods —with themselves as the deserving poor! Captain Greene intends to repay Brother Virgil for his "spiritual guidance."
Points: 9 4
Spanish ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
As soon as marauding pirates dispatched the crew of L'Aquila, they raided Captain Alarico Castro's private supply of amontillado, the famed Spanish sherry.
Points: 11 4
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Crimson Angel is fond of ancient history, so a ship called the Cassandra suits her nicely. She believes that coupling this four-masted beauty with the Pandora will give her a leg up on the competition.
Points: 11 4
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
Captain Barton named the Arabella after his former mother-in-law, a woman whose corset stays were reportedly as sturdy as the ship's masts.
La Morte de Yarborough
Points: 10 3
On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship.
While some pirates fly the skull and crossbones out of style, the crew of La Morte do so out of substance. After one of their own was killed savagely, they now feel it is their right that their hostages often have "accidents" right after their ransoms are paid.
Points: 11 3
When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
Captain Alberto Ladron could care less about collecting cargo. All he cares about is refitting captured prizes so that they are worthy of a conquering hero of Spain.
Points: 12 3
Ghost Ship.
The Amity left England bound for the West Indies, but she never arrived. If this is the same ship, it's a pretty safe bet that she doesn't have the same crew.
Points: 13 3
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
Some say that naming a pirate ship "the Treasure" is asking for trouble, but Captain Prentiss isn't worried: The ship's goods are stored in a warehouse in Lucina Harbor—not in her hold.
Points: 9 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Captain Devereaux is so obsessed with finding an artifact called the "Eye of the Dragon" that he has threatened to keel-haul any crew who pockets even a tiny trinket from a boarded ship.
Gilded Monkey
Points: 11 3
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The captain of the Gilded Monkey has trained Skyme to gibber at the crew to make them load loot faster. Anyone who defies the creature usually finds an unwelcome deposit in his hammock.
Points: 15 3
Schooner. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Distinguished by her black hull and low profile, the agile Duke excels at frustrating long-range cannons. Calico Cat covets the vessel, and Jack Hawkins wants it only because she does.
Points: 9 2
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
These pirates describe themselves as loyal English privateers and have been heard shouting "Long live the king!" in battle—despite having no reservations about firing on English ships.
Bonnie Liz
Points: 8 2
English crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Sailing under the secret patronage of Countess Doone, the commander of the Bonnie Liz is a relatively patriotic man who charges far less ransom for English prisoners than for others.
Royal James
Points: 8 2
Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
An ongoing competition aboard the Royal James gives bonuses for firing efficiency. One-shot kills are especially prized, and golden guineas are doubled for Spanish targets.
Points: 10 2
Schooner. This ship cannot be pinned.
Captain Parrish, a man of visions, says that Branwen the White Raven protects the ship, deflecting enemy fire with her invisible wings. His claim to fame: once drinking Jack Hawkins under the table.
Points: 2 1
This ship’s base move becomes S when she reaches her cargo limit.
Captain Hansson has made maps of many of the small inlets that litter the Crimson Coast, which he uses as refuge when his ship's small hold becomes laden with treasure.
Points: 5 1
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
To keep his crew sharp, Captain Harrison has his crew practice on larger, less-agile ships like Ville de Paris, which he would love to wrest from the simpering Phillipe du Brissac.
Points: 2 1
This ship cannot carry crew.
A tiny vessel with few crew, the Mermaid is the ideal bait for greedy vessels. A favorite tactic is to have the captain's sister, Maud, masquerade as a captured noblewoman.
Points: 14 1
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
First Mate William Houston has taught the crew a special code using flags and lights, allowing them to safely and quickly relay information to the main ship—usually about likely prey.
Geoffery Flores
Points: 6
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Flores signaled his resignation from the French Navy with the dead body of his superior officer, who referred to him as a half-breed. Captain Flores is ruthless to his prey but generous to his crew. gaston de St. Croix might have damned his soul, but Crimson Angel has shown him the gates of heaven.
Crimson Angel
Points: 6
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
A magnificent creature drenched in the blood of her enemies, Crimson Angel is from either heaven or hell, depending on your point of view. She attacks crowns and pirates alike, seemingly loyal to none but her own. Even then, she rewards betrayal with swift and deadly vengeance, but her word is legend on the Crimson Coast.
Havana Black
Points: 5
Link: Bloody Jake
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action.
Havana Black suffers no delinquency, and he revels in proving it with a cat-o-nine. Nothing raises Havana's ire faster than a slaver ship, and he particularly enjoys watching the crew of such a ship being put to the most horrible death possible—despite any pleas for leniency. It is said that even Blackheart fears this powerful ex-slave.
Jack Hawkins
Points: 6
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
There are more stories about Jack Hawkins' adventures than seem possible given his age. He has taken more treasure and ships than any other pirate in the Caribbean, yet he is always broke and looking for a new ship. He courts only the most beautiful—and deadly—women, with more than his fair share of love-hate relationships, emphasis "hate."
El Phantasma
Points: 5
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn. If this crew is eliminated, place it on your home island.
Does a man seek the shadows or is he forced there by the machinations of others? Some whisper of a horrific betrayal, some of years spent isolated in a French prison, and others of unspeakable torture at the hands of the Moors. Whatever the truth, El PHantasma and his sepulchral crew do not intend to make amends for their crimes.
The Hag of Tortuga
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
Creole Amelie Lejeune, better known as the "Hag of Tortuga" is a sea crone feared and respected by all the sailors on the Crimson Coast, regardless of nationality. It is said that she can commune with the dead, control the winds, and stop a man dead in his tracks with just a glance.
The Stump
Points: 2
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
No one knows how The Stump got his peg leg, but most are happy to buy him as many rounds as it takes to hear the latest version of the tale. He's an excellent source of gossip about the latest goings-on around the Crimson Coast, and he might even know something about the "Eye of the Dragon"—or so he says.
Le Requin
Points: 3
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
The mannerisms, language facility, and learned nature of the dashing Le Requin hint at a previous life of privilege. Le Requin won his first ship from Bones Wiley in a dice game, and he has proven himself a brilliant tactician and natural leader. He is on a collision course with Hawkins over the affections of the Lady De Sol.
Points: 0
Always place this crew face up; it cannot be eliminated unless its ship sinks. Crew placed on this ship cost no points, but they always each take up one cargo space. When this ship is hit, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move the crew on this ship with the highest point cost to a wild island chosen by the player to your left.
Joe didn't know who she was when he stole her meager possessions, but he would never forget the Hag of Tortuga after she cursed him. Trouble now follows Joe—and anyone around him—like lightning follows thunder. Thus he is constantly on the move (before people kill him), and he has changed his name to escape his reputation.
Bloody Jake
Points: 3
Link: Havana Black
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Bloody Jake has no trouble taking orders from Havana Black. An accomplished master of torture with a variety of implements, he genuinely enjoys carrying out his captain's commands—especially when it involves administering punishment or "encouraging" captured seamen to join Havana's bloodthirsty crew.
Maurice Aristide
Points: 3
Link: Phillipe du Brissac
One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
Hiding behind a ridiculous facade of heavy court makeup and a high wig, Maurice Aristide appears every bit the foppishly perfumed and helpless French courtier. In truth, he is a brilliant businessman with the knowledge both to find treasure on the Crimson Coast and to traffic it safely to his European accounts.
Dead Man's Point
Points: 3 gold
When this fort hits a ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
The fort at Dead Man's Point on the pirate island of Tortuga is a deadly surprise to ships moving slowly to avoid being grounded on the maze of reefs surrounding her harbor.
HMS Goliath
Points: 13 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
The Goliath suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the French on her maiden voyage, and so Captain Sinclair and the crew have sworn to avenge the honor of their beloved ship.
HMS Viceroy
Points: 11 4
This ship cannot be pinned.
Bitter experience taught Captain Williams to never let his ship become entangled by a pirate or enemy ship, so he outfits every crewman with a hatchet and standing orders to abandon all other duties to use them as needed.
HMS London
Points: 11 4
When touching a Pirate ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
Much of the London's crew was pressed into service from among the brawny stevedores working the London docks, hence their skill and speed in loading their ship with captured booty.
HMS Ajax
Points: 12 3
Broadsides Attack.
Captain Maschile benefits from the rigorous training provided by Captain Blake to his crew, many of whom sailed with Blake--until they won assignment to another ship. He relies less on the lash, but has maintained his crew's deadly skill at broadsides.
HMS Lord Lineton
Points: 14 3
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Made in the Americas, this new schooner design is among the fastest on the Crimson Coast. The HMS Lord Lineton excels at disguising herself to look like whatever she is not.
HMS Sultan
Points: 13 3
Schooner. All of this ship's cannons have L-range.
HMS Sultan's gunnery crews were all hand-trained by Weaponsmaster Charles Southwyn, which guarantees they know how to get the most out of the cannons he designed.
HMS Cumberland
Points: 5 2
Pirate ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The pirate Joffrey Flores stole the Cumberland from the Crown, and she was stolen from him by the Calico Cat, who returned the ship to the Crown in exchange for an imprisoned member of her crew. Flores has offered a reward to the pirate who can sink her for good.
HMS Gibraltar
Points: 12 2
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
HMS Gibraltar is a slyly humorous nickname given to it by her crew. The "Rock" is currently the fastest ship in the fleet and uses its speed and stealth to great effect against the Spanish.
HMS Alexander
Points: 8 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
The captain of the Alexander looks for skill and experience in his crew, but also for a hatred of the French that matches the intensity of his own.
HMS Lady Provost
Points: 13 2
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Captain DeLancey's decision to name his schooner for his married mistress, Lady Provost Helena Morency, caused such a scandal in England that he was forced to leave the continent.
HMS Swiftsure
Points: 10 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Originally owned as a private yacht by the Owen family, the HMS Swiftsure was the price of Gryffin's commission in the Royal Navy. The Swiftsure is a flush-decked sloop, difficult for other ships to target at long range.
Captain Percival Blake
Points: 7
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Captain Blake is a strict disciplinarian who uses the lash to urge his gun crews to perfect their skills. His excessive use of the lash may, in fact, be creating more pirates from his crew then he is catching. Percival Blake sees himself as Temple's rival suitor for Countess Doone's attentions, but while she takes his gifts, she does not take him seriously.
Commodore Rhys Gryffin Owen
Points: 6
Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
Owen's rich merchant family has never been accepted into society, so he went to sea to change his social standing. His unique command style of scanty discipline and huge cash rewards for success is possible only by paying his crew from his own pocket. Being a social climber himself, he has figured out Diana Doone's little secret, but since he has not revealed it, some arrangement must have been made.
Dr. Forbes Beattie
Points: 5
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
Dr. Beattie is famous throughout the fleet for being able to save wounded men who other ship's doctors would have let die. Lucky for any crew on which Dr. Beattie serves, the wise Londoner reads current medical books and prefers to use herbal remedies, including some from distant China, instead of leeches and boiling oil.
Cameron the Cabin Boy
Points: 3
This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 2 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.
Cameron had dreamed of going to sea since he was a wee lad growing up on the docks of Glasgow. He stowed away and remained undetected until hunger drove him to raid the ship's stores, but has quickly proven himself as one of the hardest-working members of the crew. Rumors allege that he is an illegitimate son of Admiral Morgan.
Administror Scott Bratley
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
Scott Bratley is Governor Lynch's secret to keeping the Empire's interests prospering in the Caribbean. Administrator Bratley is solely responsible for the smooth working of the fleet and the thriving trade, and seems able to summon resources out of thin air.
Fort Brompton
Points: 3 gold
This fort gets +1 to its cannon rolls when a ship is docked at it.
Fort Brompton is constantly short on soldiers, especially gunnery crews. Many rumors try to explain this, from cannibals on the island to seduction by the native girls, but the truth may simply be that the strategically placed fort has seen more than its share of deadly combat.
El Neptuno
Points: 12 5
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
The flagship of El Duque Rafael de Moreno y Rivera, El Neptuno is a tightly run ship. But out of their master's sight, the devout Catholic crew readily petitions the sea god to guide their cannonballs to the target.
El Argonauta
Points: 15 5
Broadsides Attack.
The crew of The Argonauta believe their ship's name to be a curse. Perhaps because the crew identifies with the Argonauts of legend, their skills are well-honed, allowing them to destroy a target ship with a single salvo.
La Santa Ana
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
While on pirate patrol along the Crimson Coast, the virulently anti-French crew nearly mutinied in order to force the captain to abandon the pirate ship they were chasing and pursue a French target instead.
Matthias Vospero
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
Capitán Raphael Vospero has taken a vow to avenge his brother, whose ship was sunk by the HMS Viceroy. Vospero uses his access to naval intelligence reports to mask his quest as service to the Crown.
El Rayo
Points: 17 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls for every friendly ship within S of her.
Built as sister ships, El Trueno (Thunder) and El Rayo (Lightning) made a deadly combination, with both ships' crews performing better when the other was there for support. El Trueno disappeared about six months ago.
La Trinidad
Points: 9 3
On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship.
The captain of La Trinidad benefits from a secular trinity formed of himself, Master Bianco, and Countess Amore to smuggle artifacts, rare woods and treasure along the Monkey River.
La Bahama
Points: 12 3
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The schooner La Bahama can dance across shoals that would bottom out larger, heavier ships, giving her the advantage when sailing among the hundreds of small islands in search of the legendary Gold Coral Caves.
El San Francisco
Points: 8 2
When touching a Pirate ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
If it takes a thief to catch a thief, such may be the case with the captain and crew of El San Francisco, for they seem unnaturally gifted at relieving pirates of their stolen booty.
El Montañez
Points: 9 2
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
The capitán of El Montañez is an enterprising man. He reasons that sometimes it's better to barter than fight, a philosophy his crew appreciates when they see the shiny doubloons stored in the hold.
El San Salvador
Points: 8 2
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
The mute capitán has trained his crew to work in complete silence. That quality, added to the schooner's sleek design, fuels the rumor that the ship can transform into a bird to slip past its enemies.
La Rosario
Points: 6 1
This ship cannot be pinned.
La Rosario nimbly dodges the attempts of enemy ships to pin her, a skill perhaps inspired by the dashing young captain's relationship with the lovely Lady Arcadia de Sol.
El Duque Rafael de Moreno y Rivera
Points: 6
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Rafael el Duque de Moreno y Rivera comes from a family made proud and rich from battles with the Moors. The current duke is incensed that Capitán Alarico Castro is in command of one of the largest Spanish ships in the Caribbean, rather than in chains, and he is constantly looking for an excuse to put the man where he belongs.
Contessa Anita Amore
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
After two nearly fatal "accidents" at home (possibly arranged by her husband's children, all older than her), the lovely Contessa Anita decided that it might be prudent to take a long trip until her husband passes away and she inherits everything. She has been seen in the company of both Caballero Luys de Alva and the pirate Jack Hawkins.
Inquisitor Sebastián Blanco
Points: 2
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Don Sebastián de la Peña resigned his commission as a career soldier to take up the cause of the Inquisition. His passion for his work burns clearly in his eyes. Even so, the crew with whom he serves finds it remarkably easy to discuss personal matters with the war veteran, who is really using them all as spies to find Jews and heretics.
Doctor Urbano Javier
Points: 4
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
Doctor Urbano Javier signed on as ship's doctor in hopes of finding a cure for the virulent plague that killed his family. Amazingly, rather than being bitter about his loss, he is a kind, gentle man who cares deeply about each and every patient.
Agustín Covas
Points: 3
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Born and raised in Portugal, Agustín Covas attended the prestigious navigation school founded by Columbus' navigator. He sailed for the New World to distance himself from the Inquisition, but it followed, and he lives in fear of being discovered as a Jew. Olano is compelled to find enough gold to save his people, and so seeks the mythical city of El Dorado.
El Castillo del Infanta
Points: 3 gold
Once per turn, one of this fort's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
El Castillo del Infanta (Castle of the Princess) was designed to protect Lady Arcadia De Sol from the wicked world around her. Her father spared no expense, including hiring the best and most determined gunners, but ultimately it was all for naught, because the lovely lady's own desires were stronger than the stone walls constructed by her father.
El Puerto Blanco
Points: 3 gold
A ship docked at this fort may use its action for the turn to look at one face-down treasure on each island.
The Escuela de Cartografia in Puerto Blanco is home to one of the greatest map collections in the world. There are legends that the maps from the library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt reside in its amazing vaults. Tended by a monastic order of mysterious origin, the thousands of maps are rumored to include the map to El Dorado.
La Magnifique
Points: 17 5
Broadsides Attack.
Not every ship can live up to the name "La Magnifique," but with Capitaine de St. Croix in command, this ship is just that—nigh invincible when delivering a full cannon barrage.
La Ville de Paris
Points: 16 5
This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
Like a true Parisian lady of fashion, La Ville de Paris usually dismisses the first insult from an opposing ship—but woe betide the foe who presumes to fires a second shot!
Le Dauphin Royal
Points: 14 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
Le Dauphin Royal carries both the name and the patronage of the royal family, and her loyal crew take seriously their responsibility of maintaining the honor of the nation.
La Possession
Points: 13 4
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
First Mate Claude Sevigny is an imposing man, both intellectually and physically. His vast maritime knowledge comes not from study but from experience sailing among the hundreds of islands under flags with fewer colors than France's.
L' Hercule
Points: 22 4
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
The crew of L'Hercule wrestle to determine the "Strongest Man Aboard" for the duration of that tour of duty. Bo'sun Bertrand le Geant is prepared to defend his title against all comers.
Le St. Michel
Points: 10 3
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
As feared as the ship is, her meticulously dressed—yet ferocious—crew is even more reviled. For a drink, The Stump will tell stories about atrocities committed "in defense of France."
Le Duc de Bourgogne
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
The crew of Le Duc de Bourgogne claim to have sunk more pirate ships than any other vessel on the Crimson Coast. Pirate captains everywhere yearn to sink the ship—with her crew tied to their own cannons.
Le Marseillais
Points: 14 3
When touching a Pirate ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
Chef Perier believes that garlic cures anything—even scurvy—so the crew of the jaunty Le Marseillais are known for the distinctive odor that rises as they sweat from loading treasure.
L' Auguste
Points: 13 3
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The haughty L'Auguste will sail into any port—even the heavily gunned El Castillo del Infanta—and take whatever she wants, ignoring minor matters such as allegiance.
L' Orient
Points: 10 3
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
Rumor has it that "Cold Draft" ArathiIel protects L'Orient using a Chinese talisman, but no one knows for sure—she's never been boarded, and asking Starcher about it would be unwise.
Le Triton
Points: 10 3
Schooner. This ship cannot be pinned.
In combat, a member of Le Triton's crew blows the battle call on a huge conch shell to inspire the men. Geoffrey Flores covets her and the seemingly magical seashell as trophies.
La Cleopatre
Points: 12 3
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Gossipmongers claim that the ship's startlingly lifelike figurehead, modeled after the famous queen of Egypt, is instead based on Vicomtesse de Richelieu, who posed for the sculptor.
La Provence
Points: 8 2
When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated.
Amiral Dupuy spends long hours determining the best angles of attack. He is particularly adept at using La Provence's guns to cripple ships resistant to ramming, such as El Leon.
L' Intrepide
Points: 5 2
English ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The English reserve a special hatred for L'Intrepide, who true to her name goes where others fear to tread—most especially among English Royal fleet.
L' Amazone
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Spanish ships.
Capitaine de Heiron believes, as did his Norman ancestors, that everything in Spain actually belongs to France, and it is his duty to ensure that the stolen property is returned to its original owner.
Le Mercure
Points: 9 2
Schooner. This ship cannot be pinned.
Le Mercure has mastered the art of evasion, moving through enemy lines as though she were wearing the winged shoes of the messenger of the gods himself.
L' Artesien
Points: 8 1
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Some members of L'Artesien's crew know a little too much about piracy, though none have breached protocol. But Amiral Dupuy knows that Monsieur LeNoir has been leaving the ship at odd hours of the night.
Le Solitaire
Points: 17 1
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
France's allies are gladdened upon seeing Le Solitaire, for it means the powerful fleet is nearby. The little scout benefits from both good sailing and intelligence gained from Maurice Aristide's spy network.
Le Colibri
Points: 7 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Le Colibri flits about the sea just like her hummingbird namesake. Capitaine Arnaud, the Hag of Tortuga's godson, knows the currents and winds better than any other French-born captain in the fleet.
Amiral Stephan Dupuy
Points: 5
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Given the choice, Amiral Dupuy would much rather wear an ordinary sailor's attire than his fussy dress uniform, and he prefers to stand on the deck of his ship in a raging storm than to attend tedious staff meetings in Paris. Truly a sailor’s sailor, Dupuy's experience and intelligence have proved him worthy of his rank.
Capitaine Gaston de St. Croix
Points: 5
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
The bold Capitaine Gaston de St. Croix is a member of one of France's oldest and most honored families, and his dashing good looks and forays against the English have caught the eye of Vicomtesse de Richelieu. Because she outranks him, it's quite possible that her interest is personal. Her attention has thus far been discreet, but that may change soon.
Vicomtesse Angelique de Richelieu
Points: 3
Link: Monsieur LeNoir
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Vicomtesse Angelique de Richelieu's exquisite beauty belies a dangerously cunning mind. Clever and well-connected, she has established an intricate spy network whose tentacles reach all the way back to France. It is not known whether her relationship with the shadowy Monsieur LeNoir is romantic or professional, but it's safer not to inquire.
Claude Perier
Points: 3
This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 2 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.
The first time Claude Perier poked at a steaming pot, his wise mother apprenticed him to the best chef she could find, and he sauteed and flambeed his way to the Royal Court itself. When asked how he ended up cooking in a cramped galley, he merely shrugs, but rumors of duels, poisonings, and revenge abound.
Monsieur LeNoir
Points: 5
Link: Vicomtesse Angelique de Richelieu
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
Despite rumors of nobility, Monsieur LeNoir prefers to cultivate a quiet and understated persona. Although never at the forefront of events, some speculate that he orchestrates them anyway, as he has ties to almost everyone. Always dressed impeccably in black, he has many lady admirers, who find his dark good looks deliciously menacing.
Vicomte Jules de Cissey
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
Not everyone who wears a fancy uniform deserves it—especially not Vicomte Jules de Cissey. Every inch the powdered puppy, his shrill demands and pretentious behavior make him generally disliked by all who meet him. He is, however, a vicomte with means, so he continues to receive his social due, though his presence adds no luster to events.
Phillipe du Brissac
Points: 2
Link: Maurcie Aristide
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Phillipe du Brissac makes a living luring ambitious men into the French navy, promising to introduce them to those with influence and power. By the time they see through his charade, they are out to sea, though it's only a matter of time before someone exposes him for the poseur he is. Fortunately, he is partially sheltered by his good friend, Maurice Aristide.
Capitaine Arathiel
Points: 5
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action.
Whatever burns in Roy "Cold Draft" Arathiel's heart is more brimstone than blood, and some believe he is actually more demon than man. His reputation for cruelty surpasses even that of some of the most well-known and feared pirates on the Crimson Coast. To know "Cold Draft" is to fear him, which is exacly the way he likes it.
St. Pierre
Points: 3 gold
If a ship docks at this fort and unloads at least 4 gold, it may be given a second action that turn.
Informed captains know that when they dock at the port of St. Pierre, a little extra gold ensures that their cargo will be unloaded swiftly—and without a lot of questions.
Roll a d6 at the beginning of each of your turns. On results of 4–6, eliminate a crew on this ship. Remove Scurvy from the game when this ship docks at her home island.
Letter of Marque
Your ship may dock at an enemy home island and be given repair actions (only) while there. Forts cannot fire on this ship unless this ship fires on them first.
Buried Treasure
This ship may not be given an action the turn after loading Buried Treasure. After loading Buried Treasure, roll a d6; Buried Treasure is worth gold equal to the result.
Dry Powder
Load this treasure face down. On any one of your turns, you may turn Dry Powder face up to give this ship an extra shoot action that turn. If you do, remove Dry Powder from the game.
Trees may remain face-down on its island if the ship that explores that island has all of its masts. When Trees is revealed, fully repair this ship, and then remove Trees from the game.
Grease Barrels
Load this treasure face down. On any one of your turns, you may turn Grease Barrels face up to give this ship +L to her base move that turn. If you do, remove Grease Barrels from the game.
Abandoned Crew
When placing treasure, you may place one or more of these crew rather than a treasure, on a one-for-one basis; you must still place the required value of gold. These crew may use their abilities on any ship. Follow all other treasure-placement and crew rules.
Ghostly Encounter
Once after revealing, roll a d6 for each crew on the ship. On a result of 1, that crew is eliminated. Ghostly Encounter is worth gold equal to the crew remaining on the ship after all dice are rolled.
Neptune's Figurehead
If this ship sinks, dock it fully repaired at its home island, then remove Neptune's Figurehead from the game.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range rank 3 cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range rank 3 cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range rank 3 cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S range. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities next turn.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range rank 3 cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 13 5
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The Roanoke is a mystery, vanishing and reappearing seemingly at will. Captain Morris and his crew, including a Powhatan-native navigator, however, are not related to the true ghost ships of the Crimson Coast.
Geoffery Flores
Points: 6
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Flores signaled his resignation from the French Navy with the dead body of his superior officer, who referred to him as a half-breed. Captain Flores is ruthless to his prey but generous to his crew. Gaston de St. Croix might have damned his soul, but Crimson Angel has shown him the gates of heaven.
HMS Goliath
Points: 13 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
The Goliath suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the French on her maiden voyage, and so Captain Sinclair and the crew have sworn to avenge the honor of their beloved ship.
L' Artesien
Points: 8 1
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Some members of L'Artesien's crew know a little too much about piracy, though none have breached protocol. But Amiral Dupuy knows that Monsieur LeNoir has been leaving the ship at odd hours of the night.
Dry Powder
Load this treasure face down. On any one of your turns, you may turn Dry Powder face up to give this ship an extra shoot action that turn. If you do, remove Dry Powder from the game.
Points: 19 5
Ghost Ship.
Cries of agony announce the arrival of the ghost ship Deliverance as it materializes from the mist off the Crimson Coast. Those unlucky enough to serve aboard her do so for eternity.
Points: 14 1
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
Jack Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief as his ship narrowly escaped the clutches of El Fantasma and his ghostly crew. Little did he know that it was his last breath as a living man.
Crimson Angel
Points: 6
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Only Crimson Angel has touched Wraith and lived to tell the tale. While fighting off the spirit's attack, Angel sought out Wraith for a duel. Just when it seemed she would lose, she lunged forward and kissed him! Some say Wraith melted into mist from the shock.
Resurrection Codex
If this ship sinks, dock it fully repaired at its home island, then remove Resurrection Codex from the game.
HMS London
Points: 11 4
When touching a Pirate ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
The crew of the London had grand designs on the contents of the Deliverance's hold, but rather than emptying it, they found themselves filling it—with their souls.
Le St. Michel
Points: 10 3
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Le St. Michel's crew was thought to be the terror of the Crimson Coast until they boarded a ship said to be manned by their former victims.
Dead Man's Point
Points: 3 gold
When this fort hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
Dead Man's Point became more than just a name when the Plague killed its entire company. Now ghosts man the fort, taking over the jobs they did in life.
El San Salvador
Points: 8 2
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
Dead men tell no tales, and thus the mute crew of this ship cannot share the story of how they became damned to sail the Crimson Coast as spectral sailors.
Points: 0
Always place this crew face up; it cannot be eliminated unless its ship sinks. Crew placed on this ship cost no points, but they always each take up one cargo space. When this ship is hit, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move the crew on this ship with the highest point cost to a wild island chosen by the player to your left.
Since the Hag of Tortuga cursed him, Joe has brought bad luck to those around him, and thus ultimately to himself, as they seek to murder him to end their misfortunes. Now in the clutches of El Fantasma, Joe has discovered that the reach of the Hag's hex went far beyond simple murder.
Le Requin
Points: 3
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Le Requin's breadth of knowledge seems almost too much for one so young. Some claim to have seen him rise at night to meet the moon, but they are likely just jealous of his successes or his clandestine meetings with the Lady de Sol.
Ghostly Vision
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
La Cleopatre
Points: 12 3
Schooner. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Fast and silent as she was, one could argue that La Cleopatre acted like a ghost ship before she actually became one. Now able to disappear at will, she is almost impossible to stop.
Bonnie Liz
Points: 8 2
English crew may use their abilities on this ship.
It is said that Countess Doone lit a candle for each man lost when the Bonnie Liz was captured by El Fantasma. Her list was woefully incomplete, however, and every man she overlooked now serves Fantasma.
The Hag of Tortuga
Points: 0
Limit. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship.
El Fantasma fears only one being—the ancient and withered Hag of Tortuga. Could it be because it is she who cursed him to forever sail the seas as a ghost after he scorned the then-young and -beautiful Amelie Lejeune?
Ghost Captain
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Ghost Wind
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
The Providence sails the New England Coast looking for English warships. Rumor says a mysterious benefactor donates 5 acres of Virigina land to each sailor for each ship she sinks.
Points: 8 3
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
Using Boston forged cannons and a crew that was trained by ex-english naval gunners, the Destiny is able to fire on ship before those ships even know she is there.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Black Swan
Points: 13 5
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Christened as an English ship, the Black Swan has since flown the flag of many other nations. She lists English, French, Spanish and Americans among her crew.
Neptune's Hoard
Points: 12 4
Schooner. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
The crew of Neptune's Hoard has mastered the fine art of negotiating the best price for their goods—then sacking the towns that can't, or won’t, meet their demands.
Golden Medusa
Points: 15 4
Link: Lady Baptiste
Schooner. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
Lady Baptiste embodies all the best qualities of Robin Hood, with the Golden Medusa as her swift sword. Her crew serves for honor, above even gold.
Points: 13 3
Link: Jean Laffite, Phillipe Laffite
Schooner. Broadsides Attack.
At a distance, the Pride appears to be ideal for smuggling and making swift attacks. But if she comes alongside, concentrated fire from her cannons is the last thing a crew will see.
Cursed Blade
Points: 11 3
Schooner. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Greed motivates El Gato, captain of the Cursed Blade. His crew have mastered many inventive tactics in order to steal an opponent’s treasure, rather than fight.
Hades' Flame
Points: 13 2
Ghost Ship.
The crew of Hades’ Flame killed the voodoo priest Papa Martineau for what they considered unholy practices. His curse trapped them on the ship, and their eerie wails terrify all who hear them.
Points: 8 2
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
French sailors named this ship the Executioner in honor of its gunners, said to be able to take the head off a man's shoulders with a single shot.
Bloody Jewel
Points: 6 2
American ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The Bloody Jewel preys on merchant ships sailing to and from Charleston. Anyone who brings the ship’s masthead to Ralph David will be rewarded with a plot of Carolina land as bounty.
Points: 11 2
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
Stolen from the Spanish, the Tiger is the prize of Captain Vivas who uses the little blockade runner to sack Spanish holdings along the Crimson Coast.
Points: 8 2
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her.
Captain Swank uses the Cutlass' maneuverability to get in so close to ports that her crew is already ashore before the ship is spotted and the shore cannons loaded.
Points: 11 2
Link: Don Pedro Gilbert
Schooner. When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
The Panda, under the command of "Don" Pedro, prefers the easy prey of ships damaged in battle or by storms, attacking as they limp back to port.
Points: 7 1
This ship may not be shot at while docked.
In an inspired bit of engineering by a former English sailor, the Coral's main mast collapses when in port so that other ships can't target her from sea.
Banshee's Cry
Points: 3 1
This ship cannot shoot when she carries treasure.
One of the fastest ships on the Crimson Coast, Banshee's Cry carries a cannon, but she rarely fires it. The crew prefers to concentrate on finding treasure, not fighting for it.
Points: 5 1
The Lightning was commissioned by the Americans to patrol the North Atlantic. Unfortunately for them, Captain Wright didn’t like his pay, and now uses the ship as a way to collect a higher wage.
Jean Laffite
Points: 5
Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
The Gentleman Pirate is so infamous in New Orleans that the French, American and Spanish leaders all have placed a bounty on his head. He has honored them with a bounty in return.
'Don' Pedro Gilbert
Points: 5
Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Woodes Rogers openly scoffs at Don Pedro’s claim to a noble Spanish bloodline. The English fleet considers Gilbert the lowest of the pirates, and apprehending him its highest priority.
Points: 7
Once per turn, this ship may look at any one face-down treasure on any ship or island. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Originally a French privateer, Devereaux has lost his sanity to his obsession with finding the Dragon’s Eye, a gem that legend says grants the owner immortality.
Lady Baptiste
Points: 3
Once per turn, reroll any die roll made for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The beautiful Lady Baptiste, considered both a hero and a scourge, has even been asked by Madame LaFontaine to be one of her girls. Her allegiance remains true to her ship and crew.
The Patch
Points: 3
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
How he lost his eye is a mystery, but rumors persist that he sold it to the Devil in exchange for the ability to see the shoals and reefs hidden bneath treacherous waters.
Points: 3
This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 2 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.
Amos discovered rum on his first trip to Tortuga, and has been drunk on it ever since. His knack for getting friends aboard the ships he crews has saved his life repeatedly.
Points: 1
You may reveal this event immediately after one of your ships sinks an enemy ship, but you may not reveal it on the same turn an opponent reveals Raft. You receive all gold from the sunken ship. Remove Divers from the game.
Phillipe Laffite
Points: 2
When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated.
Though his brother gets the fame, Phillipe is a crack shot with a cannon and has trained many cannonneers. He is responsible for the devastating attacks the Pride can unleash.
Points: 1
You may reveal this event immediately after one of your ships sinks an enemy ship, but you may not reveal it on the same turn an opponent reveals Raft. You receive all gold from the sunken ship. Remove Divers from the game.
The Devil's Maw
Points: 5 gold
Place your eliminated crew on this fort. They gain the Ghost Ship keyword.
Rumors say that The Devils' Maw holds a king’s ransom in gold, but you must give up your soul to claim it--a price even pirates hesitate to pay.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the ship's controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a 6 remove the fire mast; on a 1-3 the ship's controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or at a fort, remove all fire masts as a free action.
HMS Swallow
Points: 17 5
Broadsides Attack.
The newest warship in the English fleet, has been dubbed "The Pirate Hunter" and the Swallow has direct orders to work with Woodes Rogers to clean up the Crimson Coast.
HMS Dreadnought
Points: 26 5
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
The Spanish could not defeat her. The French also tried, and failed. Now, the Dreadnought's crew looks forward to continuing its winning streak in conflicts against the American colonists.
HMS Oxford
Points: 12 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her.
The Crown ordered Captain Kline to accommodate veteran soldier Lt. Hardwicke in training the Oxford’s crew in strategies for capturing forts and cities. Disdainful of the regular army, Kline has grudgingly complied.
HMS Serapis
Points: 11 3
Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
Responsible for patrolling the North Atlantic, the Serapis hunts down enemies of the Crown and ensures they never question her authority again.
HMS Nautilus
Points: 10 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against American ships.
The crew of the Nautilus consists of colonists loyal to the Crown of England. They have destroyed many ships flying the "joke of a flag" created by the traitorous American scum.
HMS Algiers
Points: 12 2
Link: Sir Watkins Defoe
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Sir Watkins circumnavigated the globe in the Algiers, and counts the ship as his primary abode. He can tell her speed and direction by listening to the creaks of her hull.
HMS Lord Cauldwell
Points: 10 2
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship's masts.
The Lord Cauldwell was built to infiltrate pirate forts, but Lt. Nigel Hardwicke also uses this sturdy little boat quite effectively against American blockades.
HMS Apollo
Points: 9 2
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
Embarrassed by Guy LaPlante in a duel fought in New Orleans, the captain of the Apollo has sworn an oath of vengeance against all the French on the Crimson Coast.
HMS Frolic
Points: 12 2
Schooner. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The Frolic has yet to see combat. Rumor has it that the crew is so embarrassed by their ship’s name that they avoid all contact with friends and foes.
HMS Greyhound
Points: 7 1
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
The fastest ship in Rogers’ fleet, the Greyhound is tasked with testing the defenses of pirate havens, French outposts and American coastal positions.
Woodes Rogers
Points: 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Few know that Rogers began his career as a privateer under the English flag. His new status angers the French and Spanish—his former victims—and earns him the begrudging respect of the pirates.
Lt. Nigel Hardwicke
Points: 7
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against American ships, forts, and crew.
A veteran of the European wars, Hardwicke uses his land-based skills at sea to crush the American revolutionaries. He believes he will be the one to plant the Union Jack in Philadelphia.
Sir Watkins Defoe
Points: 3
Link: HMS Algiers
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Sir Watkins spends so much time aboard his ship that he is uncomfortable on land. He reads the sea as easily as a mother understands the cries of her baby.
Points: 0
Always place this crew face up; it cannot be eliminated unless its ship sinks. Crew placed on this ship cost no points, but they always each take up one cargo space. When this ship is hit, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move the crew on this ship with the highest point cost to a wild island chosen by the player to your left.
Found on an uncharted island, Robinson can't remember the name of his ship, its fate, or the reason he was left behind. Woe betide the crew that rescues him!
Points: 1
You may reveal Raft immediately after one of your ships sinks. Place all crew and gold on that ship onto the nearest wild island. Remove Raft from the game.
Points: 4 gold
This fort has one 2 L-range cannon. When placing this fort, indicate this cannon by placing two flags side by side.
The first fort that Rogers commissioned boldly declares this message: "This land and the sea around it belong to the English Crown."
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the ship's controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a 6 remove the fire mast; on a 1-3 the ship's controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or at a fort, remove all fire masts as a free action.
La Santa Isabel
Points: 13 4
Schooner. One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
With her gilded hull and polished cannons, La Santa Isabel is a throwback to the days when Spain ruled the seas. Now, she is reduced to trading between the colonies and Spain.
La Cazadora
Points: 8 2
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
Capitan Oloma has developed a new strategy for La Cazador, using the aggressive huntress as a battering ram to discourage ships that attempt to raid Spanish holdings.
El San Jose
Points: 9 2
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Don Sanchez teaches his crew to defeat pirates by acting like pirates. He encourages them to trade, even with the Crown's enemies, to get what they want.
La Monarca
Points: 8 2
Schooner. Once per turn, this ship may move S after loading treasure.
Having lost two ships while docked, Alfonso Vargas, first mate of La Monarca, has taught his crew to load and unload so quickly that some say they never even drop anchor.
Diego Cesar Olano
Points: 7
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against Pirate ships, forts, and crew.
Haunted by the abuse he suffered when captured by pirates on his first tour of duty, Olano has vowed to hunt down every pirate on sea or land and exact his revenge.
Fortaleza Dorada
Points: 5 gold
L-range cannons cannot hit this fort.
The Spanish claim it doesn't exist. Yet natives can be persuaded to speak of the "Golden Fortress," the apparent source of the Spanish gold flowing along the Crimson Coast.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the ship's controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a 6 remove the fire mast; on a 1-3 the ship's controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or at a fort, remove all fire masts as a free action.
Le Superbe
Points: 16 5
Other ships do not block this ship's line of fire.
The women of France cried the day their men sailed on Le Superbe. They knew they had lost them forever, for no woman could live up to such a perfect vessel.
Le Soleil Royal
Points: 13 5
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Capitain DeZay has assigned each of his cannonneers a specific color of cannonball, so that they get the credit they deserve in battle.
La Vengeance
Points: 12 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
In her last conflict with the English, La Vengeance lost all but five crewmembers. Those five make all new sailors swear a blood oath of revenge before coming aboard.
Le Lyon
Points: 14 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Le Lyon sailed out of Quebec, raiding English and American ports all along the Atlantic Coast. She remained successful to New Orleans; a new crew will make the return trip.
Le Courageux
Points: 10 2
This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
Guy LaPlante expertly captains Le Courageux; he makes sure the enemy can see his face, and know that both her guns and his sword are pointed at their heart.
L' Atalante
Points: 9 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her.
Madame LaFontaine's girls dote on the crew of L'Atalante, and no wonder: after every successful mission, the crew spends its reward at Chateau Fontainebleu.
La Belle Etoile
Points: 13 3
Schooner. When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
The cannonneers aboard La Belle Etoile pack their cannons with double the usual amount of gunpowder in order to penetrate both sides of a ship with one shot.
La Baionnette
Points: 8 2
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
When Capitan Coupet removed the ship’s masthead, his crew nearly mutinied. He replaced it with a bayonet, the ship's namesake, and success in their first battle proved the old man was right.
La Danae
Points: 7 2
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
La Danae was captured by Jean Lafitte, but was returned to France after a private audience with Madame LaFontaine. The crew doesn't care what flag flies as long as they get paid.
Le Favori
Points: 13 2
Schooner. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Owned by Vicomtesse de Richelieu, La Favori has become a favorite of Michel Bordeaux, who is searching for a ship swift and nimble enough to land raiding parties.
La Félicité
Points: 11 2
Schooner. All of this ship's cannons have L range.
Trained by Amiral Dupuy, the crew of La Félicité know that they must perform at the highest level to honor their country and flag.
Le Pique
Points: 5 1
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
Guy Laplante retrieved this ship from the English and returned it to France. It’s guns were upgraded by its English captors, and the current crew is learning how to fire them effectively.
Le Bon Marin
Points: 6 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Phillipe Amqui once piloted Le Bon Marin through the bayou around New Orleans and into Jean Lafitte's hideout on a bet from Lady Baptiste.
Madame LaFontaine
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Choose one French crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Reroll any die roll, you must use the second result.
Madame LaFontaine is proprietress of Chateau Fontainebleu, a burlesque house in New Orleans. Her girls report everything they hear to Madame, and she passes that information to Amiral Dupuy.
Phillipe Amqui
Points: 3
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Amqui claims that Native Americans taught him how to talk to the water. His uncanny ability to accurately read the sea has made him worth his weight in gold.
Guy LaPlante
Points: 5
Link: Le Courageux
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. She gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Born in New Orleans, he has never seen the France he defends. Both Madame LaFontaine and Viscomtesse Richelieu covet his new-world attitude, but he desires only one treasure: Lady Baptiste.
Michel Bordeaux
Points: 7
Link: Father Rene Bordeaux
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against English ships, forts, and crew.
At Viscomtesse Richelieu’s request, Bordeaux’s task is to shore up the defenses of France's New World holdings. He feels obligated to protect her holdings first, then hunt down the English.
Points: 3
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token on a non-docked enemy ship. That ship may not be given an action for a number of turns equal to the number of crew on her when Mermaids was revealed. After those turns have elapsed, remove Mermaids from the game.
Father Rene Bordeaux
Points: 5
Link: Michel Bordeaux
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
As Dr. Rene Bordeaux healed men’s bodies, he saw the true disease in their souls. Where Michel is sent, Father Bordeaux follows, as blood will flow, and souls need to be saved.
Points: 1
You may reveal Raft immediately after one of your ships sinks. Place all crew and gold on that ship onto the nearest wild island. Remove Raft from the game.
Paradis de la Mer
Points: 4 gold
The first time this fort is shot at each turn, roll a d6. The result is the number of times this fort must be hit that turn before any of its cannons can be eliminated.
The Paradise of the Sea is now home to second-generation French settlers, who will fight to the death to keep their island safe from outsiders.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the ship's controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a 6 remove the fire mast; on a 1-3 the ship's controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or at a fort, remove all fire masts as a free action.
Bonhomme Richard
Points: 15 5
Link: John Paul Jones
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
From the deck of the Bonhomme Richard, John Paul Jones shouted to the the English captain of the Serapis, "I have not yet begun to fight."
Points: 22 5
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship's masts.
Sailors nicknamed her "Old Ironsides" because she could take a full broadside attack without a chip to her hull—and her crew are the best-trained navy men in America.
United States
Points: 15 5
Broadsides Attack.
The "Old War Wagon" is the slowest ship in the American navy, but when she catches you in her devastating guns, speed doesn’t matter.
Points: 18 5
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Members of seasoned merchant-vessel crews familiar with the North Atlantic give the Enterprise an advantage in northern waters.
Points: 13 4
Link: David Porter
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Sent to establish an American presence against the pirates, David Porter chose the Freedom as his flagship: the first, and last, American ship pirates would ever encounter.
Points: 13 4
Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Captain Anson, once a French privateer, has taught his crew to spot and aim for the weakest points in an enemy ship, in order to do the most damage.
Points: 14 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Captain Oswald "recruited" his crew from the Baltimore jailhouse and gave them one law: when you hit the deck of the enemy ship, the survivor goes home a free man.
Points: 12 4
Schooner. This ship cannot be pinned.
The captain of the Yankee sailed her into the middle of a formation of three English ships and maneuvered so quickly that the enemy ships rammed each other. Score: Yankee 3, English 0.
Points: 15 3
Schooner. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Jarvis was built by the David family to hunt pirates plaguing Charleston. Moored near shore to lure ships onto the rocky coast, if the cannons don't destroy the enemy, the rocks will.
Points: 7 3
Ruth Lee pulled the Carolina out of dry dock to sell it to an old sea salt named "Captain" Henry, who claimed he was put in charge of hunting Redcoats.
Points: 10 3
Schooner. Forts cannot hit this ship.
The Boston’s first mate has gathered a veteran crew. Each member must describe the forts and islands they have encountered so he can add to his strategic plans.
Julius Caesar
Points: 14 3
Link: Jonathan Haraden
Schooner. Broadsides Attack.
With new guns and Haraden at the helm, the crew of the Julius Caesar have declared that they will become the new flagship of the American fleet.
Points: 5 2
English ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
Originally an English ship, the Rattlesnake's American crew mutinied and forced the English officers into a rowboat. In response, Woodes Rogers issued a general order to sink the Rattlesnake.
Points: 16 2
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
Hannah takes advantage of an unusually tall mast and a two-man crow’s nest to spy out enemy positions and report its findings to the fleet’s larger, slower ships.
Points: 8 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
Crenshaw openly defies Porter’s orders to concentrate on pirates and uses the Hornet to attack English ships, claiming they are the true enemy.
Points: 11 2
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
A familiar sight near New Orleans is Ruth Lee at the helm of the Philadelphia, with a derelict pirate ship in tow.
The Flying Fish
Points: 9 2
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Originally part of Ralph David's privateer fleet, the Flying Fish was given to Porter so that experienced pirate hunters could teach his sailors the ins and outs of the pirate mind.
Points: 9 2
Schooner. Once per turn, this ship may move S after loading treasure.
Ever-changing alliances taught the Wasp's crew to unload their goods quickly and move out before they were declared an "unfriendly presence" in port.
Points: 9 2
Schooner. This ship cannot be pinned.
Jean Lafitte has tried to steal and capture the Peacock. Now he’s been reduced to trying to buy the ship to gain her advantage in tight battles.
Points: 7 1
Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Chesapeake’s crew of veteran privateers possess a letter of marque to fight for America. They have learned to gut enemy ships, leaving no survivors to reveal their role in the massacre.
Points: 7 1
When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
Once a ship sailing with Don Perdo, the Lynx was one of the first ships captured on Porter’s watch.
Points: 10 1
Schooner. All of this ship's cannons have L range.
Devereaux traded the captain of the Harlequin a powerful English-built cannon for an old Spanish map found in a New Orleans trinket shop.
John Paul Jones
Points: 7
Link: Bonhomme Richard
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
A hero of the new revolution, but considered a pirate by the English, John Paul Jones took the fight directly to the king, even sinking ships within European waters.
Commodore David Porter
Points: 7
Link: Freedom
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Backed by the power of the new American government, David Porter was taked with to ridding the area of pirates, using the efficiency of a military operation.
Jonathan Haraden
Points: 6
Link: Julius Ceaser
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, reroll any die roll made for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Using any means necessary, from purely tactical maneuvers to sneak attacks, and once facing down an opponent with a single cannon, Haraden has captured or sunk more than one thousand cannons in his career.
Points: 3
Link: Ruth Lee
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Kikowa sets up camp at the bow of every ship on which he serves. He never leaves that spot; eating, sleeping and, most importantly, watching the sea from his unique vantage point.
Carl Smith
Points: 4
Link: King George
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
As a merchant sailor in New England, Carl fought his share of pirates, privateers, and ships of foreign crowns. Now he sails the Atlantic Coast fighting for freedom.
'Diamond' Nelson Turner
Points: 3
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Wherever Turner shows up, someone will make money, and someone will lose it. "Diamond" nearly always wins. The list of losers is a who's who of powerful New Orleans personalities.
Commander Albert Crenshaw
Points: 5
All of this ship's cannons have L range.
Crenshaw would rather fight the Redcoats than pirate scum, and so he has begun a private war on the Crimson Coast to keep his personal agenda alive.
King George
Points: 4
Link: Carl Smith
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Found by Carl Smith, he was named King George for the only other cur Smith knew. In boarding attacks, K.G. heads for the officers’ quarters to grab whatever fits in his mouth.
Points: 3
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token on a non-docked enemy ship. That ship may not be given an action for a number of turns equal to the number of crew on her when Mermaids was revealed. After those turns have elapsed, remove Mermaids from the game.
"Hacksaw" Riley
Points: 5
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
Most sailors consider a visit from "Hacksaw" a blessing and curse. He keeps them alive, but they'll likely end up with one less limb.
Foul Winds
Points: 3
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token anywhere on the play area (except on an island or a ship). Any ship (except docked ships) within L of the token is moved L in one direction chosen by the player to the left of that ship's controller. If a ship touches an island, eliminate one of her masts. Remove Foul Winds from the game.
Ralph David
Points: 3
One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
The David family is said to own Charleston, and Ralph has used his family’s power and prestige to achieve his goal of owning the shipping lanes to the Crimson Coast as well.
Points: 4
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token anywhere on the play area (except on an island or a ship). No ship within L of the token may be given a move action unless she can move when derelict. Remove Becalmed from the game at the beginning of your next turn.
Ruth Lee
Points: 2
Link: Kikowa
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Born and raised at sea and respected by everyone, even pirates, she has forgotten more about ships, sailors and the sea than most of the so-called professionals have ever known.
Foul Winds
Points: 3
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token anywhere on the play area (except on an island or a ship). Any ship (except docked ships) within L of the token is moved L in one direction chosen by the player to the left of that ship's controller. If a ship touches an island, eliminate one of her masts. Remove Foul Winds from the game.
Christian Jefferson, Esquire
Points: 3
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
His name opens doors for him: an honest name for an honest man. But Jefferson treats everything as currency—even human life.
Points: 4
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token anywhere on the play area (except on an island or a ship). No ship within L of the token may be given a move action unless she can move when derelict. Remove Becalmed from the game at the beginning of your next turn.
Thompson's Island
Points: 3 gold
This fort gets +1 to its cannon rolls when a ship is docked at it.
As the westernmost island in a string of dangerous, rocky atolls, controlling Thompson's Island is the key to controlling the Crimson Coast.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the ship's controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a 6 remove the fire mast; on a 1-3 the ship's controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or at a fort, remove all fire masts as a free action.
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls for every crew on her.
If this ship loads Scurvy, it has no effect; remove it from the game. Fruit takes up 2 cargo spaces and cannot be unloaded.
This ship ignores terrain when given move actions (islands are not terrain).
The ship that reveals Natives may not be given actions for a number of rounds equal to number of crew on her when Natives is revealed. Leave Natives face down on its island.
Cross of Coronado
You may load this treasure face down. If one of this ship's masts would be eliminated, you may reveal Cross of Coronado and remove it from the game instead.
Place any one crew with point cost 3 or less on this ship, using standard cargo capacity rules. That crew assumes this ship's nationality. Remove Castaway from the game.
Remove all crew on this ship from the game and then remove Missionary from the game.
Load this treasure face down. You may reveal it when this ship rams or pins a ship. Roll a d6. On a result of 4–6, both ships sink. Remove Explosives from the game.
Neptune's Trident
Give this ship a shoot action. A wave S wide and 3 L long leaves the ship in one direction. Up to 2 masts or cannons of every ship and fort in the path of the wave are eliminated. Eliminate one of this ship's masts for every affected ship and fort. Remove Neptune's Trident from the game.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range rank-3 cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities next turn.
Points: 11 3
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
American sailors returning from the Barbary Coast say that this galley, captianed by kal Bhed and his cutthroats, delivers a lethal bite to anyone who stands in her way.
Star of Siam
Points: 8 2
The Star of Siam had just raided an American ship leaving the Barbary Coast for the Americas when Wesley captured her, claiming the ship and her swollen cargo holds for himself.
Points: 5
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship within S of her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses she may have.
As an English privateer, Wesley raided ships and ports along the Barbary Coast. But a chance meeting with Jack Hawkins in Tangier convinced Wesley that he was fighitng on the wrong side.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move next turn.
Hangman's Noose
Points: 11 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against American ships.
Porter sacked Captian Blackeart's hideout and all he has left is the Hangman's Noose. He vows will destroy the American fleet in revenge.
Red Curse
Points: 14 4
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The Red Curse is feared in small towns and ports from Boston to New Orleans and all the islands of the Crimson Coast.
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
David Porter has given the Concord one order: "Hunt and destroy all Pirates no matter where they are!"
Points: 13 4
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
The newest American ship has a very young crew. Only an experienced Captain can whip these recruits into a fighting machine.
Nubian Prince
Points: 15 4
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
Rais Abba Quilon modified the Nubian Prince to draft deep, making her almost invisible in the water—and an impossible target for nearby ships.
Ivory Star
Points: 12 4
Galley. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The Ivory Star’s hull is covered with polished ivory. From a distance, she looks like a cresting wave, entrancing opponents into a state of vulnerability.
Jackal's Teeth
Points: 13 4
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
During boarding attacks, the crew of the Jackal’s Teeth howl like ghostly dogs, striking fear in the hearts of even the most stalwart defenders.
Terror of Gibraltar
Points: 10 4
Galley. Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Crewed by outcasts of Europe and the New World, the Terror of Gibraltar plies her unique brand of piracy in the waters near its eponymous outcropping.
Crescent Moon
Points: 13 4
Galley. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The devout captain of the Crescent Moon demands that his compass be accurate so that he can face Mecca when praying, no matter the ship’s heading.
Janissaries' Blood
Points: 16 4
Link: Murat Rais
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The crew of Janissaries’ Blood has been culled entirely from the Barbary Coast, and Rais Murat makes sure their hatred for Europeans is matched only by their loyalty to him.
Fire Djinn
Points: 13 4
Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Equipped with boarding hooks and ramps, the Fire Djinn strikes with the speed of a sandstorm and the deadliness of a demon.
Sea Dragon
Points: 13 3
Link: Uluj Ali
Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Uluj Ali has trained the crew of the Sea Dragon specifically to fight Spanish vessels: to board them, take prisoners, and then use the information they provide to attack their ports.
Persian Victory
Points: 13 3
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Inspired by the ancient navies of Xerxes the Great, the Persian Victory and her crew oppose any foreign power attempting to control the Barbary Coast.
Winds of Vengeance
Points: 6 3
Galley. Eliminate one of this ship’s masts when she rolls a 1 on any cannon roll.
Mocked by other Barbary Corsairs, the crew of the Winds of Vengeance always press their attack—even if means the loss of ship and life.
Wicked Kareen
Points: 10 3
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against American ships.
Rais Al-Kazar has decided that American ships are easy pickings, so he focuses the attacks of the Wicked Kareen almost exclusively on their merchant ships.
Points: 11 3
Link: Wesley
Galley. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Wesley has taken command of the Algiers, which has become the most successful Barbary Corsair ship because of his uncanny ability to turn a small supply of gold into a large one.
Points: 11 3
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against French ships.
Capitan Marcel, a former French privateer with a crew of ex-slaves, hunts the waters around French colonies, viciously attacking their naval support and merchant ships.
Divan's Punishment
Points: 11 3
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Spanish ships.
The Moorish captain of Divan’s Punishment is a former prisoner of Spain who directs his attacks against their gold-bloated ships returning from the New World.
Sultan's Sword
Points: 10 3
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Rumor says that Rais Jaziri doesn’t even load the cannons of the Sultan’s Sword, so confident is he in the ship’s swift attacks and even swifter swords.
Points: 10 3
Galley. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
The captain of the Splendor cares little for captives, preferring to fill his hold with what really matters: gold.
Points: 6 3
Galley. Spanish ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
So great is their fear of Spain, this crew of former slaves has been known to panic when faced with a ship flying the colors of Spain.
Golden Peacock
Points: 9 3
Her distinct golden sails—a gift from the pasha in Constantinople—make the Golden Peacock a glorious vision on the Barbary Coast.
Tiger's Eye
Points: 12 3
Galley. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The superstitious first mate of the Tiger’s Eye keeps on his person a gem that he claims protects his ship from harm, and no one is willing to risk finding out if it’s true.
Silent Death
Points: 12 2
Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
The Silent Death and her crew have honed the fine art of sneaking up on an unsuspecting enemy and personally waking her captain from his bunk with a sword at his throat.
Bey's Revenge
Points: 13 2
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
In Rais Haddou’s eyes, the crew of the Bey’s Revenge earn their pay only if they take down larger ships. Anything else is an insult and an embarrassment.
Points: 9 2
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Trained by Sicilian sailors and taught warfare by the pasha’s soldiers, Rais Baha can estimate how long it will take to capture a ship, down to the minute.
Points: 8 2
Galley. Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The crew of the Gallows are outcast pirates from the Caribbean who escaped a hanging to try their fortunes on the Barbary Coast. They named their ship so as to never forget life’s quirks.
Desert Wind
Points: 13 2
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
The galley master has been told it will be his life if the ship’s oarsmen ever miss a beat, thus the uncanny ability of the Desert Wind to close on ships even in battle.
Agha's Whip
Points: 6 2
Galley. Spanish ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
Nothing is known of the captain of this vessel except that the king of Spain himself put an enormous price on his head.
Pasha's Delight
Points: 9 2
Galley. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The colors flown by the Pasha’s Delight imply that she’s nothing more than a harmless merchant vessel—allowing her crew to take advantage of opponents not cunning enough to see through her deception.
Queen of Sheba
Points: 6 2
Galley. Eliminate one of this ship’s masts when she rolls a 1 on any cannon roll.
This once-great warship has started to show her age—it is a rare day when she enters port with plunder.
Points: 10 2
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against English ships.
After his old ship was sunk by the English, Rais Yahia vowed to pay the widows of his lost crew twice—once with England’s blood and once with her gold.
Points: 4 2
Galley. This ship’s base move becomes S when she reaches her cargo limit.
The crew of the Dervish prefers to grab what it can and then flee, even if means leaving other treasure behind. After all, gold never helped a dead man.
Points: 8 2
Galley. Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down treasure on any island.
With contacts in every port along the Barbary Coast, Rais Oudah seems to know more about what ships are carrying than their own captains do.
Points: 6 2
Galley. American ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
The Griffin was the first ship to capture an American crew—and then sell them back to their own. American sailors have thus made the ship their number-one target.
Points: 10 1
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
The Tripoli’s captain keeps a captured noble on board at all times. He uses them as an excuse for trade, getting close enough to bigger ships to surprise them with an attack.
Viper's Bite
Points: 8 1
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
This tiny vessel was actually named by the English for her ability to attack larger ships and leave them in disarray while she escapes.
Points: 6 1
Galley. When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
The greedy crew of the Whisper has been known to fill the ship’s holds with anything and everything they can get, even if it means crawling back to port.
Points: 14 1
Galley. Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
The Majestic has survived as long as she has by scouting for other Barbary Corsairs. The pay is so good that the crew doesn’t even need to fight.
Points: 8 1
Galley. This ship may not be shot at while docked.
By having their oarsmen row the Carthage onto shore, the crew ensures that she is ignored by both sea and coastal cannons.
Points: 10 1
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Rais Zaci is well aware of the Nimcha’s shortcomings, so he trained her oarsmen to fire cannons while rowing, all without missing a beat.
Points: 7 1
Galley. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
The value of knowing where treasure may be hidden is more valuable to Rais Taha than any shipping chart.
Aruj Barbarossa
Points: 10
Link: Kheir-ed-din
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. This captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.
Known for his red beard, Aruj is credited with the creation of the first Barbary Corsair fleets. Under his leadership, they began their domination of the Barbary Coast by proving that the galley could take on the biggest European ships.
Points: 6
Link: Algiers
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Rumors persist that Wesley is an English noble who has been denied his birthright because of his common mother. Taking to piracy, he has decided that he will buy his place with the gold of those who denied him.
Points: 6
Link: Aruj Barbarossa
Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
Kheir-ed-din (gift of God) is the strategic half of his partnership with his charismatic brother, Aruj. He leads the fleets of the Barbary Corsairs and works both for the emir of Ottoman Empire and the sultan of Tunis.
Uluj Ali
Points: 7
Link: Sea Dragon
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against Spanish ships, forts, and crew.
An Italian by birth and a sailor by profession, Uluj rose to command Barbary Corsairs by ceaselessly attacking Spanish ships, holdings, and nobility.
Jack Hawkins
Points: 5
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Because pirate hunting had become the priority of both the Americans and English in the New World, Jack decided to seek his fortune elsewhere. After landing at Tangier, he saw the piles of gold—and he knew he was home.
Murat Rais
Points: 4
Link: Janissaries' Blood
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–Barbary Corsair ship.
Rais Murat was once a prisoner of the Barbary Corsairs, but he has since been granted his freedom and a ship. To make himself known to every sailor on the Mediterranean, Murat hunts every ship that does not fly the Barbary Corsair flag.
Points: 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. She gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Dragut retook Tripoli from the Spanish after a bloody and bitter battle. He learned that there was more to life than just sailing, and that any man who sailed with him had to be able to fight both on land and on sea.
John Ward
Points: 3
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Described by his former English commander as “a drunk, a fool, and an idiot,” Ward decided that stealing for himself was better than serving as a “slave” on an English warship.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Haunted by the abuse he suffered when captured by pirates on his first tour of duty, Olano has vowed to hunt down every pirate on sea or land and exact his revenge.
Points: 13 4
Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Barbary Corsair ships.
Captured by Robert Blake and then turned over to the Knights of Malta, the Alexandria is feared by the Barbary Corsairs for both her firepower and the ferocity of her crew.
HMS Durham
Points: 15 4
Link: Lawrence
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Lawrence has tuned the crew of HMS Durham to perfection using both the tactics of the Barbary Corsairs and the training of the Royal Navy.
HMS Granville
Points: 11 3
Link: Commodore Rhys Gryffyn Owen
Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Commodore Owen fills the cannons of the fearsome Granville with grapeshot so that they can take out as many Barbary Corsairs as possible.
HMS Westminster
Points: 14 3
Schooner. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
Captain Hawley flies the flags of over 30 nations from HMS Westminster in an effort to confuse enemies and give his crew the upper hand in combat.
HMS Antelope
Points: 5 2
Small, fast, and perpetually leaky, HMS Antelope is crewed by Barrett’s Privateers, and she is charged with harassing anyone not flying the Union Jack.
HMS Lord Kenyon
Points: 10 2
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship's masts.
Financed privately and constructed of the hardiest materials, HMS Lord Kenyon prowls the profitable Barbary Coast, preying upon those who underestimate her.
St. George
Points: 10 1
Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
The Knights of Malta were trained by the Royal Navy to dodge cannon fire at close range, allowing the St. George to get up close and personal.
Admiral Robert Blake
Points: 5
Link: All English ships
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Barbary Corsair ships. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Given the title “General of the Sea” by the Crown, Admiral Blake is the supreme commander of the English fleets. With a selfless sense of duty, he has created the greatest naval force the world has seen, and yet he is still considered a gentleman, a sailor, and a scholar.
Points: 5
Link: HMS Durham
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
After going “native,” Ethan Lawrence was stripped of his commission in the Royal Navy. But his very public exploits as “England’s Own Corsair,” coupled with his rescue of HMS Durham from a Barbary Corsair sneak attack, forced the Crown to give him back his command.
Roderick the Pure
Points: 4
Link: Don Rafael Y de Teresa, Benoit de Marsilles
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
With rumors of a crime of passion swirling around him, Roderick left England as a sailor. Fighting alongside the Knights of Malta, he came to see them as the true protectors of the kingdoms of Europe. So he left the Royal Navy to become a warrior in the fight against the Barbary Corsair scourge.
Commodore Rhys Gryffyn Owen
Points: 0
Link: HMS Granville
Limit. Ransom. Choose one English crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Being given a new command on the Barbary Coast would seem like a promotion to any other naval officer, but Owen feels that he is being punished. Did he learn too much about Countess Doone or question the commands of Woodes Rogers too often? The only directive he gets is to destroy the Corsairs at all costs.
First Mate Ismail
Points: 3
This ship gets +1 cargo spaces. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Egyptian by birth, but schooled and trained in colonial schools in Cairo, Ismail realized that the Royal Navy was his ticket out of the slums. His ability to deal with locals gets his ships the best deals and the fastest cargo turnovers.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Trained by Amiral Dupuy, the crew of La Félicité know that they must perform at the highest level to honor their country and flag.
La Espada de Dios
Points: 15 4
Galley. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
La Espada del Dios is a captured galley disguised as a Barbary Corsair ship, and her capitan is happy to let them take the blame for his plunders.
Points: 13 4
Link: Admiral Alarico Castro, Castro's Loyalists
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Barbary Corsair ships.
The mighty Granada is Admiral Castro’s flagship in the Mediterranean. She is known for ruthlessly hunting Corsairs to the very ends of the Earth.
Points: 11 3
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Capitan Carral won the Pamplona in a game of dice, and he feels that with the goddess of luck on his side, he and his crew can meet any challenge.
El Paso
Points: 10 2
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
The crew of El Paso come from all over the Barbary Coast, and Capitan Carrillo’s contacts range from the throne rooms of Europe to the lowliest taverns.
La Serpiente
Points: 7 2
You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
La Serpiente’s crew are the finest cannoneers on the Barbary Coast. It is said they can hit a ship docked in Morocco from Barcelona.
El Toro
Points: 12 2
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
El Toro, like a bull on a rampage, is sent into fleets of Barbary Corsairs with one purpose: to destroy galleys.
Alonso de Orozco
Points: 11 1
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The crew of El Alonso de Orozco must swear loyalty to the Knights of Malta over Spain.
Tariq the Black
Points: 5
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Barbary Corsair crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Tariq the Black uses his Moorish heritage to recruit Barbary Corsairs to sail for Spain as part of a deal he brokered with the Crown. He has been promised the kingship of Morocco as a reward for destroying the Corsairs.
Dominick Freda
Points: 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Barbary Corsair ships. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Freda is an experienced sailor who once owned a large shipping fleet in Naples—before it was all destroyed by Barbary Corsairs. He has agreed to work with Spain in exchange for a fleet to liberate his home from Barbarossa.
Don Rafael Y de Teresa
Points: 5
Link: Roderick the Pure, Benoit de Marsilles
When another face-up crew on this ship would be eliminated, turn it face down instead.
As a doctor to the Crown, Don Rafael had all the prestige a man could want. But he knew that his skills were needed for a higher calling. He became a Knight of Malta, and now he uses his gifts to ease the pain of those fighting the Corsair scourge.
Admiral Alarico Castro
Points: 5
Link: Castro's Loyalists, Granada
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Promoted and transferred to the Barbary Coast, Admiral Castro’s plans to destroy every Castilian who opposed him has softened, as he has become a welcome fixture in the royal court and drawing rooms of a new Spain.
Duque Marcus Vaccaro
Points: 0
Limit, Ransom. Choose one Spanish crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Duque Vaccaro, also known as the “Golden Tongue,” is Spain’s most important negotiator. He alone can interrupt the king at any hour, and his imperatives often become reality. He has been dispatched to the Italian city-states, the Knights of Malta, and even to England and France.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
St. Denis
Points: 15 4
Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
The Knights of Malta recruit French Corsairs to crew Le St. Denis so that they can fight the Barbary Corsairs on equal footing.
L' Ange de la Mer
Points: 13 4
Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
L’Ange de la Mer survived battles with the English that sent many of her sister ships to the bottom of the sea. She has earned the distinction of flagship on the Barbary Coast.
Le Loup-Garou
Points: 17 3
Link: Jordan Dumas
Schooner. Ghost Ship.
Barbary Corsairs speak of this ship only in whispers, fearing that saying “Le Loup-Garou” aloud will rouse the dark forces that power her to steal their souls.
La Martinique
Points: 8 2
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against American ships.
An undeclared war exists between French and American ships, but the crew of La Martinique treats it as if it is the war to end all wars.
L' Afrique
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +L to her base move if she has all of her masts.
L’Afrique’s speed is a weapon. The crew acts as if she is running away, but then they double back to help flank her enemies.
La Republique
Points: 7 2
This ship cannot sink, but she can be scuttled.
Murat Rais swears he has sunk La Republique three times, and the English claim two victories—and yet she still floats and fights.
St. Joan
Points: 8 1
Galley. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
This ship’s crew swears that Joan of Arc herself protects her. Not even the Knights of Malta dare to claim otherwise.
Robert Surcouf
Points: 7
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
A French hero, Surcouf is the quintessential Corsair. His knack for hitting ships laden with treasure has ensured him the best crews, the best ships, and the wrath of every other nation.
Jordan Dumas
Points: 6
Link: Le Loup-Garou
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
No one denies that Dumas has a past: advisor to the king of France, minister, merchant, thief, priest, even spy. But it is his current occupation as captain of Le Loup-Garou that makes people wonder if he has any soul left.
Benoit de Marsilles
Points: 6
Link: Don Rafael Y de Teresa and Roderick the Pure
As soldier for the Crown, Benoit followed orders. After being deemed too old to fight on the front lines, he found that the Knights of Malta greatly appreciated his expertise.
Amiral Gaston de St. Croix
Points: 6
Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
Made an amiral because of his victories over the English in the New World, Gaston was transferred to the Barbary Coast, where he has established his presence with the ladies in court as well as with France’s enemies at sea.
Khalid Youssef
Points: 3
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Moroccan by birth but raised in Marseilles, Youssef has the ability to blend in wherever he is, allowing him to make deals that would get anyone else the guillotine.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Crenshaw openly defies Porter’s orders to concentrate on pirates and uses the Hornet to attack English ships, claiming they are the true enemy.
Points: 14 4
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Since the President came to the Barbary Coast, she has become a target of the Corsairs—and a welcome sight to American merchants.
Points: 15 4
Link: Commander Steven Decatur
Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
Decatur has the Intrepid’s crew in their dress whites at all times. He wants the Old World to see that the New World always means business.
Points: 11 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Barbary Corsair ships.
The Minuteman’s crew is exclusively made up of former Barbary Corsair captives—especially those with experience rowing their galleys.
Points: 13 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The Concord shipped the first wave of marines to the Barbary Coast, and her crew has learned the art of close-quarters warfare from them.
Points: 8 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against French ships.
Captain Carter has yet to find proof that France is supporting some Barbary Corsair captains, but he plans to continue his raids on French ships until he does.
Points: 12 2
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
The diminutive Delaware is known as the “Sailing Fortress” because of the huge fort cannons installed on her deck.
Points: 11 2
This ship's cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
Appropriately tagged “Fish Food,” cannonneers of the Niagara are flogged if they ever leave their posts, even if the ship were to go down.
Commander Steven Decatur
Points: 7
Link: Intrepid
This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Commander of the American forces on the Barbary Coast, Decatur has vowed that no ship shall be taken by pirates. He has even gone to the extreme of sinking his own ships rather than allow them to be captured.
William Eaton
Points: 7
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against Barbary Corsair ships and crew.
Eaton was the American counsel to the Barbary States, and while Preble and Decatur lead the American forces at sea, he has begun his plan to invade the land at Tripoli.
Wayne Nolan
Points: 0
Limit, Ransom. Choose one American crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Young, trained in modern naval combat, and given orders to follow Preble and learn from him, Nolan carries with him the weight of a new county and a modern military organization.
Commodore Edward Preble
Points: 6
Link: All American ships
Once at the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship in your fleet may be given two actions that turn.
Respected as a commander and teacher, Preble felt the only way to defeat the Barbary Corsairs was to take the battle to them. Whether on sea or land, he commands his forces to continually press the attack.
Brent Rice
Points: 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-American ship or fort.
No one knows when Rice signed on with the American Navy; he’s just always been there. Although he has no rank, his stories of ship engagements are so exact, and his knowledge of naval strategy so advanced, even Preble consults with him.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll a d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Double the value of one non-unique treasure on this ship when unloaded at your home island or fort, and then remove Spices from the game.
Maps of Alexandria
When revealed, turn all treasure on all wild islands face up for the remainder of the game. Remove Maps of Alexandria from the game.
If one of this ship’s masts or crew would be eliminated by a ship, you may give Relics to the attacker instead, ending that ship’s turn.
No treasure may be loaded from this wild island until Wolves is eliminated. Wolves is eliminated if successfully hit once by either a Musketeer or a crew with the Marine keyword.
This ship may dock at an opponent’s home island or fort; while there, you may exchange Wine for one treasure there of your choosing. This ship cannot shoot or be shot at if it is within S of an opponent’s home island or fort.
Each non-unique treasure on this ship is worth 1 fewer gold when unloaded. Rats cannot be unloaded.
Knights of Malta Banner
If loaded by a Barbary Corsair ship, Knights of Malta Banner is worth 5 gold when unloaded at your home island. If loaded by another nation’s ship, it is worth 1 gold for every mast that ship eliminates while Knights of Malta Banner is aboard.
Barbary Banner
If loaded by a Barbary Corsair ship, Barbary Banner is worth 1 gold for every mast that ship eliminates while Barbary Banner is aboard. If loaded by another nation’s ship, it is worth 5 gold when unloaded at your home island.
Wet Gunpowder
This ship cannot be given shoot actions. Wet Gunpowder cannot be unloaded from this ship, but you may give this ship a repair action to eliminate Wet Gunpowder instead of repairing a mast.
Poseidon's Breath
Load this treasure face down. When this ship is given a move action, you may reveal Poseidon’s Breath: This ship may move her base move as many times as she has masts; no other special abilities may affect her movement. When the movement action ends, eliminate one of this ship’s masts, and then remove Poseidon’s Breath from the game.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range cannon, with a rank of 3 that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move on her next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities on the target’s next turn.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range cannon, with a rank of 3 that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range cannon, with a rank of 3 that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range cannon, with a rank of 3 that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one S range cannon, with a rank of 3 that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Black Lotus
Points: 11 3
Junk. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
The Black Lotus has been seen near the Barbary Coast chasing English merchant ships loaded with goods from the Far East.
Tiger's Breath
Points: 9 2
Junk. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
The Tiger’s Breath sails only at night, and yet even by lantern light her crew can find gold other ships can’t see even in the day.
Zheng Li Kwan
Points: 3
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Considered a hero by the poor, Zheng is hunted by the Ming emperor for his smuggling operation, by the English for his sinking of their ships and stealing of their goods, and by the Manchu Dynasty because of his total lack of respect for them.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
Link: Athos, D'Artagnan, Porthos,
Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost.
Young Aramis is a contradiction: both a daring musketeer defending the honor of himself, his county, and every woman in France and a philosophical and contemplative scholar. Talk of his true love only makes him fight harder.
Points: 4
Link: Aramis, Athos, D'Artagnan
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost.
Porthos is a giant of a man who loves wine, food, women, and gambling—in that order. He isn’t one to worry about planning or strategy; just point him at the fight and let the big man go at it.
Points: 6
Link: Aramis, D'Artagnan, Porthos
Marine. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost.
Leader of this group of musketeers, Athos has a dark past that he tries to drown in drink. His ability to lead with sword and wit is unparalleled, and he is considered one of the finest wielders of sword and gun in France.
Points: 5
Link: Aramis, Athos, Porthos
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of any one French Musketeer with this card’s ability and point cost.
Driven by love and fueled by chivalry, the honest D’Artagnan, an outsider with no money and the sole wish to be the king’s musketeer, must prove his worth to his companions and the king.
Captain Blackheart
Points: 6
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #030 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
Now that Blackheart has carved out an empire based on fear and terror, he can concentrate on his biggest goal: destroying the other pirates of the Spanish Main, starting with Jack Hawkins and his accursed monkey.
Genny Gallows
Points: 6
Link: Genny's Red Rampage
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #033 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
Genny’s need for vengeance against the English has only worsened since Woodes Rogers and the English military deemed her irrelevant. She is determined to make them rue their misjudgment.
David 'Bones' Wiley
Points: 3
Link: Sea Nymph
Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #035 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
Wiley’s skull dice told him to secure the Sea Nymph at any cost, and he has sailed on her ever since. The ship and his dice have kept him alive, his crew showered in gold, and his named feared all over the Spanish Main.
Commander Temple
Points: 5
Broadsides Attack. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #068 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
Temple discovered Doone’s little secret from a drunken sailor in Barbados. He has promised to keep it a secret if she will accept his hand, and now he’s doing all he can to get promoted, including anything Rogers asks of him.
Countess Diana Doone
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Choose one English crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #062 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
Her secret known by Commander Temple, the countess is now looking for a way out of her engagement. If it means aligning herself with America, France, Spain, or even pirates, Diana will find a way.
Almirante Devante del Nero
Points: 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–Spanish ship or fort. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #090 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
While he hunted pirates, Spain lost ground to all the other nations on the Crimson Coast. Now Del Nero has expanded his personal crusade to include any who oppose Spain—not only pirates.
Commandante Antonio de Silva
Points: 5
Link: All Spanish ships
Broadsides Attack. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #096 from Pirates of the Spanish Main with this card’s ability and point cost.
After De Silva learned how to use cannons, he devised several clever, cannon-only strategies. At the request of the Crown, he has dedicated himself to teaching these methods to the entire Spanish fleet.
Bloody Jake
Points: 4
Link: Havana Black
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #030 from Pirates of the Crimson Coast with this card’s ability and point cost.
Some say Bloody Jake’s lost his touch since an extended stay with some missionaries on what was thought to be a deserted island. Havana Black still stands by him…for now.
Administrator Scott Bratley
Points: 5
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #046 from Pirates of the Crimson Coast with this card’s ability and point cost.
With his civil-servant demeanor and uncanny ability to blend into a crowd, Bratley can learn all sorts of things, without anyone ever knowing who or what he is.
El Duque Rafael de Moreno y Rivera
Points: 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Barbary Corsair ships. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #059 from Pirates of the Crimson Coast with this card’s ability and point cost.
El Duque took it upon himself to sail back to the Barbary Coast, despite the Crown’s objections. He is focused on fighting only Barbary Corsairs—even if it means being stripped of title, land, and even his freedom.
Lady Baptiste
Points: 6
Link: Golden Medusa
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #018 from Pirates of the Revolution with this card’s ability and point cost.
Lady Baptiste knows that those who “want” her only want to use her or get her out of the way. Her personal revolution is against oppressors, whether they fly a flag of Europe, the New World, or the Jolly Roger.
Carl Smith
Points: 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. She gets +1 to her boarding rolls. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #093 from Pirates of the Revolution with this card’s ability and point cost.
His heroics in battle against the English along the Atlantic Coast gained Smith the respect of the professional fighters of the new American navy. They have sent him to train at Thompson’s Island so that he can continue the fight against America’s enemies.
Diamond Nelson Turner
Points: 5
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #094 from Pirates of the Revolution with this card’s ability and point cost.
In his travels along the Crimson Coast, Turner made both friends and enemies. But no matter the relationship, he always walks away with more information than he had when he arrived.
Ralph David
Points: 8
Ghost Ship. To use this card, replace the ability and point cost of card #098 from Pirates of the Revolution with this card’s ability and point cost.
David’s family gave him up for dead after Blackheart sank his ship off the Carolina coast. Yet sailors swear they still see a ship flying the David family crest and can hear his voice giving commands across the shoals when the wind is soft and the moon is high.
Grand Dynasty
Points: 15 6
Link: Ms. Cheng
Junk. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Mrs. Chang’s flagship is known as a symbol of the Jade Rebellion’s ruthlessness and desperation. She will often hunt previously-damaged ships to sink them once and for all.
Grand Temple
Points: 20 6
Link: Sensei Xu
Junk. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Captain Xuang has turned his ship into a floating temple for Sensei Xu who thus inspiring his crew to push themselves harder to achieve things normal crews cannot.
Grand Mountain
Points: 14 6
Junk. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
The Grand Mountain was commissioned with one single-minded purpose: to hunt down and destroy the English colonists invading the South China Seas.
Grand Wind
Points: 15 6
Junk. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The Great Wind is so named because of her unnatural ability to sail under even the slightest breeze, or for her cannons to hit even the smallest target. It is said the wind itself loves her so much that it assists her at every opportunity.
Grand Path
Points: 17 6
Junk. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The Grand Path is crewed by those who adhere to the old warrior codes. Her crew has gained a reputation for fierceness in battle, and many captains stay away so they do not have to face her skilled warriors.
Divine Wind
Points: 10 3
Link: Warlord Cavendish
Junk. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Captained by the turncoat Englishman named Warlord Cavendish, the Divine Wind preys on the weakest ships – no matter what flag they sail under.
East Wind
Points: 10 3
Junk. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
The crew of the East Wind made a fortune trading silks and spices before the European colonization. They continue in their old trade, but in secrecy rather than in the open, having established a network of secret island ports.
Sea Wind
Points: 17 3
Junk. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls for every friendly ship within S of her.
Admiral Hwong’s forceful presence on the Sea Wind is an inspiration to all other members of the Jade Rebellion, inspiring them to great acts whenever they sail together against the European colonists.
Points: 11 3
Link: Dragon Eyes
Junk. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The Typhoon had no name until the mysterious Dragon Eyes saw it survive the great spring storm that batter the Japanese coast. After killing it's captain and crew Dragons Eyes assumed command and no considers himself a force of nature.
Virtuous Wind
Points: 14 3
Junk. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The sailors crewing the Wind of Virtue have built a shrine honoring their ancestors and imploring their guidance. They attribute their skill at stealing plunder from under their enemies noses to the helping hand of their forefathers.
Clear Wind
Points: 11 3
Junk. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
The captain of the Clear Wind, a mysterious man who calls himself Xiu, claims to have lived in the Spanish colonies in the new world and learned the secrets of European naval tactics. Whether this is true or not, the Clear Wind often takes advantage of weaknesses in her enemies with startling precision.
Sea Serpent
Points: 13 2
Junk. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The Sea Dragon was built for speed, and can outrun and outmaneuver many European and American ships intent on colonizing the South China Seas. She has taken many larger prizes and is a constant thorn in the side of European powers.
Sea Lion
Points: 9 2
Junk. When this ship is docked at your home island, you may eliminate one treasure. It becomes a 3S cannon that can be eliminated only when the ship sinks.
The Sea Lion’s crew contains captured European metalworkers, who are made to continually upgrade the ship’s weapons. Rumors abound that these men are not prisoners but defectors, and both Spain and France have issued enormous bounties for the capture of this ship.
Sea Tiger
Points: 6 2
The Sea Tiger first honed her skills against the Europeans off the coast of India and Ceylon before returning home to join the Jade Rebellion against the growing threat of colonization in the South China Sea.
Sea Crane
Points: 9 2
Junk. One of this ship's treasures is worth +1 gold when she docks at your home island.
Captain Yuong of the Sea Crane is as shrewd a businessman as he is a sailor, and can often fence his ill-gotten goods at prices other pirates can only dream of – although he has been forced to beat a hasty retreat when the other side realized they’d been had!
Sea Phoenix
Points: 9 2
Junk. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
The captain of the Sea Phoenix, Suong, studied naval tactics at several schools in Europe. He has turned his knowledge of the ins and outs of European ships into a lucrative business of stealing cargo without actually engaging the enemy.
Sea Duck
Points: 8 2
Junk. You may double the range of this ship's cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
The Sea Duck’s guns are legendary on the South China Seas. The Calico Cat once claimed that the Sea Duck’s gunners blew her crow’s nest off from five miles away.
Admiral Yi
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
The Admiral Yi is so unusual, it is rumored that Captain Jack Hawkins considered making the journey to the South China Seas just to take a shot at capturing her.
Hansan Island
Points: 7 1
Turtle Ship. This ship cannot be pinned.
Although covered in metal, the crew of the Hansan Island have found ways to maneuver their ship out of situations others would deem hopeless and has survived more encounters with the French navy than any other ship.
Glorious Treasure
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew and one mast from the enemy ship.
The Glorious Treasure was so named when the crew - a bunch of theives and murders - found that that the name itself will attach larger ship and more stupid captains to investigate her.
Noble Swan
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. Ramming cannot eliminate this ship's masts.
The Noble Swan was constructed of the hardest iron and oak. Ships that attempt to ram her find themselves splintering, while the Noble Swan’s jeering crew prepare to turn the hunter into the hunted.
Proud Tortoise
Points: 7 1
Turtle Ship. L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The Proud Tortoise is festooned with the aphorisms of Kong Tzu, inspiring its crew not only to great deeds in battle, but to remind them of their place in the grand scheme of the universe.
Zheng Li Kwan
Points: 5
Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Ever since England teamed up with Hong Kong merchants to sink his first ship, Kwan has lived by one edict: Destroy each and every enemy you face. Only their deaths will bring you peace.
Points: 5
Link: All Jade Rebellion ships
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
With over 100 junks at his disposal and bases hidden along the Chinese coast, Tsai claims that he will be the one to topple the English empire.
Points: 6
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Some say that Katsura-chan was a member of a secret warrior caste that trained women in the art of deception and espionage. Since falling in love with an American sailor, however, she has taken to the sea to follow her heart.
Ms. Cheng
Points: 0
Link: Grand Dynasty
Limit. Ransom. Choose one Jade Rebellion crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
When her husband died, Ms. Cheng found herself in charge of the largest pirate network in the South China Seas. Now she and her new lover, Chang Pao, run the fleet even better than her husband did.
Kian Ng
Points: 4
When this ship hits an enemy ship, you may also eliminate one cargo from that ship.
Kian Ng is a pyrotechnic savant. He can not only blow up an enemy ship, but also do it with colorful patterns and with such style that even other enemy ships will sit and watch rather than continue their attacks.
Chang Pao
Points: 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–Jade Rebellion ship.
Once just another Jade Rebellion sailor, Pao was handpicked by Ms. Cheng to be her personal captain. He now leads her fleet with an iron hand, demanding allegiance of all who sail for him.
Dragon Eyes
Points: 10
Link: The Nameless
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. This captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.
The real name of Dragon Eyes is kept by the sea. Those who survive his attacks claim that he is really a dragon in human form…and the captives he takes, well, they are just food.
The Nameless
Points: 4
Link: Dragon Eyes
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Dragon Eyes’ crew is a group as soulless as he. They never speak, they never get captured—and they never lose.
Warlord Cavendish
Points: 5
Link: Divine Wind
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
English by birth, Lloyd Stephen Cavendish was sent by the East Indian Trading Company to open up more Chinese ports. After a jungle encounter, he gained the allegiance of the Jade Rebellion, who call him “warlord.”
Sensei Xu
Points: 3
Link: Grand Temple
This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 2 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.
It is every captain’s honor to have Sensei Xu on his ship. Many have even given up their own quarters to make him comfortable. His longevity and wisdom are legend, and he seems to offer protection to any ship on which he sails.
Li Quin
Points: 0
Limit, Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
A Hong Kong trader and middleman, Li Quin knows everyone, from the lowliest dock worker to England’s royal ambassador. Nothing is out of his reach, and if he hasn’t heard about it, then it just doesn’t exist.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Lady’s Scorn
Points: 16 5
Link: Calico Cat
Broadsides Attack.
Calico Cat has outfitted the Lady’s Scorn with the largest cannons she can carry, and has been reported in the South China Seas hunting for someone who crossed her. Everyone agrees that whomever Calico Cat seeks, that person will not live to tell about the encounter.
Feathered Hat
Points: 12 4
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Captain Rontacourt collects sailors from different nations like other pirates collect coins, taking great pains to protect “rare” crew from harm.
Black Heart
Points: 13 4
Link: The Headhunter
Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Under the command of Headhunter, this ship—the former HMS Conrad—was painted black from stern to sails to reinforce her “heart of darkness” mystique.
Bloody Spear
Points: 13 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Commanded by an imposing giant who calls himself Commodore Brumwell, the Bloody Spear is known for sailing directly at enemy ships—ignoring cannon fire and swarming the decks!
Points: 11 3
Link: Bruce Grey
This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
With a crew of convicts the Accused loves the irony of her name. Gray's crew would rather die freemen at sea than spend another second in the Australian penal colonies.
Points: 13 3
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Making its home port on the pirate haven for which it’s named, the Madagascar plies the South China Seas each spring, plundering the silk routes, before returning home each fall laden with booty.
Greed’s Hammer
Points: 11 3
One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
The captain of Greed’s Hammer struck a deal with his crew that so long as a single breath remained in his body, he would get them more gold than they weigh. So far he has lived up to that promise.
Plague of the East
Points: 9 2
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
The Plague of the East and her crew go out of their way to attack American ships. Some say that she is merely the pawn a European power that does not wish to claim responsibility for the attacks.
Yarbrough’s Revenge
Points: 8 2
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Fleeing an insult to his honor in New Orleans, Yarborgh renamed he ship found a new crew and left for the South China Seas to prove his worth.
Points: 6 1
When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
Captain de la Cruz insists that he is the son of a Spanish Count. His crew do not dispute this as long as de la Cruz continues to bring them the fat prizes of French and English merchants on the silk routes.
The Headhunter
Points: 6
Link: Black Heart
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action.
The Headhunter does not heed the call of civilization. His appearance—the human bones that hang from his neck and decorate his ship—and tribal crew put him in a different category of pirate: the soulless.
Calico Cat
Points: 6
Link: Lady's Scorn
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Too successful in the Atlantic, the Cat became a target of every nation that sailed there. But it was treachery by her own crew that nearly led her to the gallows. Disguised as a widowed Puritan, she escaped to the Pacific, where she has but one goal: to amass enough power to return for her revenge.
Kanhoji Angria
Points: 6
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Kanhoji Angria watched as the English came to his small village and established themselves as masters. Taking the fight to the English, he strives to steal back the wealth taken from his beloved country.
Bruce Grey
Points: 4
Link: Accused
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–Pirate ship.
En route to an Australian penal colony, Bruce Grey led a mutiny aboard the ship. Taking his newly renamed ship to the South China Seas, Grey has only one agenda: never to be chained again. His men are loyal because Grey means their freedom.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
HMS Lord Kettering
Points: 13 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Jade Rebellion ships.
The Lord Kettering has been charged with keeping the peace in England’s fledgling colonies in the South China Seas.
HMS Malton
Points: 14 4
Link: William Dampier
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Dampier has given his crew the right to attack without regard - if there is to be a price to pay he will accept it. Hs crew has responded with the will to attack everyone with gusto.
HMS Caledonia
Points: 9 4
Link: Ken Wang Cho
Schooner. When touching a Jade Rebellion ship, this ship may load as much of that ship's treasure as she can carry.
Captain Griffin has accepted Ken Wang Cho on his ship as a naval apprentice. With a native on his ship, Griffin discovered that the key to taking goods is to show your enemy that you are really a friend.
HMS Galapagos
Points: 15 4
Schooner. This ship gets +L to her base move if she has all of her masts.
A converted whaling ship, the Galapagos is one of the fastest vessels in the South China Sea, and acts as an interdictor when the Jade Rebellion tries to move goods without the proper interference of English taxation.
HMS Cheshire
Points: 14 3
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The HMS Cheshire is one of the oldest ships in England’s fleet, but even after countless careenings and refittings she looks as good as the day she was launched.
HMS Prince of Chichester
Points: 13 2
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
Captain Merimount commands the Prince of Chichester with exceptional skill reflective of his studies at England’s Naval Academy.
HMS Hibernia
Points: 13 2
This ship’s cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
The Hibernia developed a reputation for speed, but even so enemies often underestimate her quickness in naval combat – something Captain Kenyon uses to his advantage.
HMS Gallant
Points: 8 3
Jade Rebellion crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Captain Lucius has taken a different tack in his struggle against the Jade Rebellion: make friends of them first, so they cannot resist the lure of English gold.
HMS Resolute
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The Resolute patrols England’s many penal colonies in the South China Seas, offering protection when necessary and occasionally pressing the most bloodthirsty murderers into service.
HMS Discovery
Points: 7 1
Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
When the science crew abourd the Discovery saw the riches of man - jade, gold, and gems - the riches of nature became the last thing they cared for.
William Dampier
Points: 5
Link: HMS Malton
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Is Dampier a pirate? The Spanish whose ships he sank claim so. What about a loyal vassal of the Crown? He did twice circumnavigate the globe under the English flag. Or is he just a lucky wag whose journals captured the imaginations of the English and made him a household name?
James Cook
Points: 3
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
James Cook opened up the Pacific Ocean to the English, and his uncanny ability to map each and every piece of land he has encountered means that the sun never sets on the English empire.
Ken Wang Cho
Points: 2
Link: HMS Caledonia
Jade Rebellion crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Recruited from a successful Hong Kong trading family to learn the ways of the English navy, Ken Wang Cho offers England a unique benefit: unlimited sailors without consideration of loyalty.
Hidden Cove
Points: 2
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns: As a free action, dock one of your ships at the nearest unexplored wild island or the nearest wild island with no treasure on it.
Colin Maberly
Points: 3
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Colin Maberly’s success can be directly attributed to his appetite for linguistic clarity: He learned Mandarin, Cantonese, and even Japanese, not only always to be understood, but also always to understand.
Favor of the Gods
Points: 2
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns: Remove all events from the game.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
La Voz de Dios
Points: 16 5
Broadsides Attack.
Superstitious Spanish sailors renamed Spain’s flagship the “Voice of God” because of the thunderous noise her many cannons make when she attacks.
Santa Ana
Points: 15 4
Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Admiral del Gato himself has made the Santa Anna his personal ship, and the precision of command and motivation he lends the sailors make her a formidable opponent in any battle.
El Príncipe de Asturias
Points: 14 4
Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
The Prince de Asturias was reassigned to the South China Seas after leading several successful campaigns against the Barbary Corsairs in the Mediterranean. Now, her crew uses their considerable experience against the Jade Rebellion.
La Habana
Points: 8 3
You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
Crewed by a mix of Aztec and Incan Indians from the Caribbean, La Habana has been charged with hunting English and French merchants.
El Alquimista
Points: 11 3
One of this ship's treasures is worth +2 gold when unloaded at your home island.
El Alquimista’s capitan, Cesar Bonilla, has developed a reputation for finding the most lucrative prizes in the South China Seas. Some say he can even convert silk to gold!
La Anunciada
Points: 7 2
Jade Rebellion crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Although she flies the Spanish flag, La Anunciada is all but a renegade ship, freely mingling with the Jade Rebellion and her capitan openly expressing sympathy for the Jade Rebellion’s cause.
San Agustin
Points: 10 3
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
The San Agustin and her crew have been charged with exploring the Philippine archipelago and rooting out any banditry there.
El Algeciras
Points: 11 2
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Capitan Vencinia of El Algeciras is a crafty swashbuckler, often offering to destroy English and French ships for the ability to dock at the other’s ports. While there he steals their treasure before they can discover his deception.
San Leandro
Points: 10 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
One of the few female captains in the Spanish Fleet, Elisa Vega instructs the San Leandro to feign ignorance when dealing with other ships - and then striking at the last instant.
Almirante Carlos Pavón y Miranda
Points: 6
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Headquartered in Manila with a fleet of older ships, the almirante has found himself increasingly detached from the court in Madrid. His goal is to visit each island in the Philippines to make sure they are loyal to him—and possibly also to Spain.
Horacio Linares
Points: 2
Jade Rebellion crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Discovered sleeping in the hull of a Spanish merchant ship, Horacio was granted a choice: death or servitude. He has since worked for Spain as a lesson to the rebellious Filipino factions.
False Treasure
Points: 10
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and choose an enemy ship. Remove any treasure printed with a gold value on that ship from the game, and then remove False Treasure from the game.
Padre Francisco
Points: 3
This crew takes up no cargo space when revealed. When revealed, put a crew with point cost 2 or less from outside of the game onto this ship.
Sent to convert the Filipinos, Padre Francisco discovered that although it is his job to save souls, others would rather buy and sell them. It is this conflict that the good padre has not yet resolved in his heart.
Rolling Fog
Points: 1
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token on a fog bank: At the beginning of each of your turns, roll one d6 and move the fog bank 1S in the direction that matches the die result.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
La Gaule
Points: 14 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–French ship.
In a race to control the Pacific, the French have pinned their hopes on the Gaule; a ship that lost crew to the English in the Barbary Coast and the Americans in the Atlantic and has no intention of losing anything ever again.
La Scipion
Points: 11 4
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
La Scipion began her voyages on the Spanish Main before journeying to the South China Seas. Along the way, she has picked up a colorful crew comprising almost every conceivable nationality.
La Geographe
Points: 12 4
Link: Nicolas-Thomas Baudin
Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
This fast, sleek ship seems to stay ahead of everyone in her quest to create maps of unexplored areas and to track the enemy for her country.
Le Pluton
Points: 15 4
Schooner. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Le Pluton makes her home port in Fiji, but she plies the Pacific looking for easy merchant prizes. Her crew has been known to board ships much larger than she, earning them a reputation for bravery—or stupidity.
La Corse
Points: 12 3
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
La Corse sports massive 20-pound cannons, and her crew has been specially trained to fire them. She first used them at Trafalgar, and has since enjoyed a long and lucrative tour in the South China Seas.
Le Mont Blanc
Points: 12 2
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
La Mont Blanc’s captain, Jacque LeDeux, insists that his crew go through a series of drills three times a day. As a result, they are one of the most frighteningly effective crews in the South China Seas.
L' Heros
Points: 13 3
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
L'Heros sails with unofficial orders to find and sack enemy ports. She is often spotted sailing out of a harbor at night, laden with ill-gotten loot.
La Fureur
Points: 3 2
This ship’s base move becomes S when she reaches her cargo limit.
The crew of La Fureur-a captured English ship-claim she still stinks of blood pudding and limes. That has not stopped them from disrupting English shipping throughout the South China Seas.
L' Argus
Points: 10 1
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
Calico Cat lost L’Argus in a game of dice with a Frenchman in New Orleans. Calico Cat has offered a bounty to anyone who can reclaim her.
Nicolas-Thomas Baudin
Points: 3
Link: La Geographe
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
A sailor, scientist, botanist, and geographer, Baudin discovered a way to safely transport plants and animals to France from the South China Seas. Even as he sends one ship back, he buys another to keep mapping and exploring.
Gentil de la Barbinais
Points: 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-French ship.
After raiding and plundering holdings along the west coast of South America, Barbinais found himself in the South China Seas. The wealth of the English ships there has taken his plundering to a whole new level.
Cursed Zone
Points: 3
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns and place its token anywhere on the play area (except on an island or terrain): Any die rolls made for ships within L of the token get -2 to their results.
Princess Arii Auraa
Points: 0
Always place this crew face up; it cannot be eliminated unless its ship sinks. Crew placed on this ship cost no points, but they always each take up one cargo space. When this ship is hit, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move the crew on this ship with the highest point cost to a wild island chosen by the player to your left.
Arii Auraa was captured by a lecherous captain who planned to keep her forever. After her father prayed to the sea gods to avenge his daughter, the captain was struck dead after eating bad dates. Since then, ships carrying the princess have been beset by strange events.
Points: 5
Reveal this event at the beginning of one of your turns: Choose one of your crew and one enemy crew. For each chosen crew, roll a d6 and add the result to the crew's point cost. The crew with the lowest result is removed from the game. In case of a tie, remove both crew from the game. Then remove Duel from the game.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
USS Thomas Jefferson
Points: 17 5
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
The Thomas Jefferson is the symbol of America’s growing military might in the South China Sea. Made of the finest New England oak and crewed by men who believe that nothing shall stop this new country be it freind or foe.
USS Appalachian
Points: 14 4
Broadsides Attack.
Captain Mason outfitted the Appalachian with cannons he purchased himself and his claims that those cannons are used to protect American merchants seem to mean he can fire on enemy ships without provocation.
USS Hudson
Points: 12 4
Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Captain Harper commands the Hudson with an iron fist. His crew often grumble about their tasks, but are fiercely loyal and would follow him to Hell and back if he were to ask it.
USS James Madison
Points: 10 3
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Captain Dunne has made contacts throughout the South China Seas, and at any one time he knows the location of a half-dozen valuable prize ships, making him a favorite among his men.
USS Montezuma
Points: 8 2
Other ships do not block this ship’s line of fire.
USS Montezuma’s stacked guns represent an American innovation in ship design. After they were used to defeat the Barbary Corsairs, all enemies now seem like a piece of cake.
USS Valley Forge
Points: 8 2
When this ship hits another ship, you choose which mast is eliminated.
USS Valley Forge patrols the waters around Manila, preying on Spanish merchants hauling spice and rubber over the long trek through the Pacific.
USS Overton
Points: 12 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-American ship or fort.
Captain Hughes hand-picked the worst rejects of the American Navy for his crew – not because of their sailing ability, but because they will fight with a ferocity that makes them worth a half-dozen of their better-trained peers.
USS Springfield
Points: 18 3
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
The Springfield has been painted in shades of Red, White, and Blue, making her an inspiration to American sailors so far from home and family on the South China Seas.
USS New Orleans
Points: 12 2
You own any derelict this ship explores; both ships become docked at your home island.
When Captian Arnaud was given his orders to sail to the South China Sea - included were secret orders, capture as many ships as you can, any way you can.
USS Annapolis
Points: 6 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
The Annapolis is used as a training vessel for the American Navy, but was assigned to regular duty suppressing native rebellions in the South China Seas.
Commodore Matthew Perry
Points: 0
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game's build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
Commodore Perry docked near Tokyo and demanded an audience with the emperor, opening up Japan to the West. But it also earned the wrath of the Jade Rebellion, who saw only more imperial trouble.
Gus Schultz
Points: 4
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
No one knows much about Gus Schultz. He doesn't discuss his past, even when you can get him to talk. Some claim he's not even American. But despite his anonymity, his ability to disappear in a crowd has rendered him invaluable.
Pierce Hollow
Points: 2
Place this crew face up during setup. Reduce the cost of all other crew placed on this ship by 1.
Pierce's father, an old salt, would tell stories of the splendor of seafaring and seeing the wonders of the world. Pierce wanted to see that world. Unfortunately, Pierce is female. So she cut her hair and began dressing like a boy, and now she is a member of the U.S. Navy in the South China Seas.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Load this treasure face down. On any one of your turns, you may reveal Fireworks to give this ship +2 to her cannon rolls that turn. Then remove Fireworks from the game.
Rotting Hull
This ship gets –1 to its cargo capacity. If this results in any excess cargo or crew, you must choose and transfer it to the wild island where Rotting Hull was loaded. Rotting Hull cannot be unloaded from this ship, but you may give this ship a repair action to eliminate Rotting Hull instead of repairing a mast.
Jade takes up one cargo space, and you may choose not to unload it. Whenever this ship docks at your home island, double the gold value of the treasure with the lowest gold value on this ship.
When revealed, eliminate one random treasure from the island and one random crew from every ship docked at the island. Then remove Volcano from the game.
Kharmic Idol
When revealed, remove all face-up unique treasure from the game. If such a unique treasure changed the value of a treasure coin, that coin regains its printed value.
Bad Maps
When you place Bad Maps face up on this ship, as a free action the opponent to your left moves this ship and the island Bad Maps was on 2L in any direction.
This ship gets –1 to the result of every die roll you make for her. At the beginning of each of your turns, roll a d6. On a result of 6, the player to your right places Albatross on another of your ships. Albatross cannot be unloaded unless the ship it is on sinks.
Trade Route
Load this treasure face down. When revealed, trade one random treasure from your home island with a random treasure from an enemy home island. Both home islands must have treasure in order for Trade Route to be used. Then remove Trade Route from the game.
Load this treasure face down. Reveal it when unloaded at your home island: You may choose to eliminate crew from this ship. For each crew you eliminate, you gain 1 gold. Then remove Pension from the game.
Pandora's Box
When revealed, each player must choose and put a unique treasure from outside the game aboard this ship.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship's cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move on its next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target's crew cannot use their abilities on the target’s next turn.
Monkey's Paw
Points: 17 5
As soon as the golden treasure chest touched the deck of the Monkey's Paw, each crew knew immediately that he alone must possess it. The slaughter left the ship free to sail wherever she wants-to find more sacrifices to the gods of greed.
Samedi's Curse
Points: 9 1
Captain Wegner laughed at the crew when they refused to destroy the small Haitian village dedicated to the voodoo loa. After he set the first building ablaze, the fire spread to consume him and his crew. Yet the crew didn't perish: They still live, sailing and hoping for death.
El Fantasma
Points: 6
Ghost Ship. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn. If this crew would be eliminated, place it on your home island instead.
El Fantasma has not been seen for years, and his ships have been found destroyed. Yet some sailors say he now captains a ship made from the bones of his victims. They dare only to whisper his name for fear he may hear them and recruit them for his unholy alliance. El Fantasma lives.
The Cursed
This ship gains the Fear keyword, except that it also affects your ships.
HMS Superior
Points: 11 2
This ship’s cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
HMS Superior is where the Royal Navy sends its best trained cannoneers while their regular ships are being refitted.
Santa Lucía
Points: 10 2
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.
Captain Santana uses the polished bronze bands that wrap the ship's hull to reflect the sun into his opponents' eyes.
Le Coeur de Lion
Points: 7 2
You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
Le Couer de Lion has her cannons uniquely positioned on deck to achieve higher and longer shot trajectories.
USS Emerald
Points: 9 2
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.
Rumors say that the hull of this ship is lined with the hardest of precious gems, explaining why she never seems to take damage.
USS Adventurous
Points: 10 2
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
Having lost their captain to scurvy two years ago, the crew of USS Adventurous have struggled to maintain discipline.
Sister’s Rage
Points: 11 2
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
This ship, now crewed by pirates, was captured by a temperamental Spanish noblewoman who had fled from her family.
Points: 9 1
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
This captured galley has been put to use helping the English navigate the treacherous waters of the Barbary Coast.
HMS Patagonia
Points: 4 1
Galley. Spanish ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
During a battle with El Afortunado, which left both ships taking water, HMS Patagonia unknowingly killed a member of the Spanish royal court.
Soberano del Mar
Points: 8 1
Galley. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The Spanish found this ship beached near Barcelona. She was empty except for a gold cross-a sign of good luck!
El Afortunado
Points: 4 1
Galley. English ships get +1 to their cannon rolls against this ship.
El Afortunado attacked a galley that flew no flag, assuming she must have been a Corsair vessel. To their chagrin, they nearly sank an English vessel gathering valuable information on the Corsairs.
Le Triomphant
Points: 10 1
Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The crew of this tiny galley have learned to use Barbary Corsair tactics to take on the English.
La Belle Poule
Points: 7 1
Galley. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Capitain Piers won't consider looking for a treasure unless he has at least three sources to confirm it's authenticity.
Floating Stone
Points: 7 1
Turtle Ship. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The oarsmen of the Floating Stone row so quietly that they can come up alongside a ship without alerting the watch.
Sea Snake
Points: 8 1
Turtle Ship. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The crew of the Sea Snake are called the "Red Ants" for their ability to swarm a ship when boarding.
Dragons' Talon
Points: 8 1
Turtle Ship. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non–Jade Rebellion ship.
Spurred by a hatred of imperialists, the crew of the Dragon's Talon take on anyone not flying a Jade Rebellion flag.
Tiger's Paw
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
It was a very happy day when Captain Quon discovered that some in the West hated the imperialists as much as he did.
Beast's Belly
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew and one mast from the rammed ship.
Captain Prior traded a hull of gold for the Beast's Belly, which he uses as a battering ram to double his profits.
Points: 6 1
Turtle Ship. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
The Inferno sits near Hong Kong harbor, preying on already damaged ships as they limp into port.
Points: 30 10
Link: Admiral Zheng He
Junk. Treasure Ship.
The Baochuan is both a fortress and palace for Admiral Zheng He. The admiral wishes for everyone who beholds it to take away only one impression: The emperor of China is powerful beyond comprehension.
Admiral Zheng He
Points: 6
Link: Baochuan
Emperor's Commander.
Gale Force Nine
Points: 15 4
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players. This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Captain Sweigart and his crew have measured and triangulated every island and natural terrain feature in the South China Seas. After all, you never know when you'll need to make an escape.
Flying Dutchman
Points: 17 5
Link: Davy Jones
Broadsides Attack.
For over 300 years, every sailor who had seen the Flying Dutchman has died before the next day's nightfall. Their souls become trapped on the cursed ship, and their tormented screams forever ride the winds.
Points: 19 5
Sea Monster. This sea monster gets +1 to its boarding rolls. If it succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates a mast.
Rising from a dark temple in the ruins of Atlantis itself, Gog-Clocthoth considers itself a forgotten god, its duty to remind the ignorant of its existence.
Points: 15 5
Sea Monster. If this sea monster succeeds at a boarding party, you may choose two crew, two treasure, or one crew and one treasure, instead of only one crew or treasure.
Calypsos was summoned by a voodoo priest who was overwhelmed by its power. Now the kraken swims the Spanish Main, attacking ships with an unfettered rage.
Points: 17 5
Sea Monster. If this sea monster succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates a mast.
Calim developed a taste for human flesh by feasting on shipwreck victims. It has lately become more brazen in its attacks, sweeping ship decks of sailors to feed its insatiable hunger.
Slarg Gubbit
Points: 16 5
Sea Monster. Fear.
This ancient creature predates the human race itself, and has spent countless eons nursing its hate and malice.
Points: 15 4
Sea Monster. You may give this sea monster a shoot action to make one L-range Rank 3 breath attack against a target ship (it may make no other attacks). If it hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target and its crew cannot use their abilities on the target's next turn.
The rotting things embedded in this ancient creature’s scales and teeth emit a smell so foul that this behemoth has rendered entire ships helpless simply by swimming near them.
Points: 16 4
Sea Monster. You may give this sea monster a shoot action to make one one L-range Rank 3-rank breath attack against a target ship (it may make no other attacks). If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast, per the Firepot Specialist rules.
No one knows if this creature is the god referenced in Babylonian myth, but few can dispute its awesome destructive power and pure hatred of all landwalkers.
Points: 17 4
Sea Monster. If this sea monster succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates one mast.
A monstrous sea snake whose existence dates back to the days of Viking raiders, Jormungandr uses its colossal body to splinter ships.
Points: 16 4
Sea Monster. Give this sea monster a move action but do not move it. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.
The wicked serpent Tsuro was summoned by the Jade Rebellion to aid them in their fight against the imperialists, whom it still relentlessly pursues wherever there is water.
Points: 17 4
Link: El Fantasma
Fear. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
El Fantasma’s new acquisition is composed of the bones of his victims. Each time a wave breaks over her bow, a thousand trapped souls scream in anguish.
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Cursed ship.
Captain Stark struck a deal with the Devil: If he sends Lucifer a million innocent souls, then he and his entire crew will be forgiven. Captain Stark lives every day trying to keep up his end of the bargain.
Points: 12 4
Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
“Black Sam” Bellamy stole the slave ship Whydah, and led her “cargo” on a pirating rampage before the ship sank in a storm off North Carolina. Stories tell of the Whydah still sailing and hunting the seas on stormy nights.
Dark Pact
Points: 13 4
Schooner. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
Many a greedy sailor has signed to work the Dark Pact on promises of gold and gems, only to discover that in doing so they give up their souls to powers darker than they can imagine.
Sea Monkey
Points: 13 3
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Legends say that this ship sailed in search of a fabulous treasure and returned with nary a soul aboard—except for a crew made up entirely of monkeys!
Spilled Salt
Points: 14 3
Fear. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Captain Lee keeps 13 black cats, a half-dozen broken mirrors, and a complement of women aboard. Other ships consider Spilled Salt so unlucky that they avoid her at all costs.
Banshee’s Wail
Points: 17 3
Link: “Screaming” Mimi
Ghost Ship. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
The Banshee’s Wail appears to sailors who have tasted the flesh of other humans. These desperate souls find they cannot harm the Banshee’s Wail, her horrible scream the last thing they hear before going mad.
Fiddler’s Green
Points: 11 3
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Captain Aleida Newport struck a deal with a figure she met at a crossroads at midnight. Ever since, her ship has been incredibly lucky, but only she knows that her luck will soon run out.
Hangman’s Joke
Points: 11 2
If this ship ends her turn in a fog bank, on her next turn she may use her move action to move out of any other fog bank in play.
It is whispered that the Hangman’s Joke not only follows the fog, but also has become part of the unnatural mists it inhabits, attacking any foolish enough to enter.
Loa’s Justice
Points: 9 2
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Captained by the voodoo priestess Zanna and crewed by runaway slaves from many countries, the Loa’s Justice has sunk to evil ends to destroy those who commit far greater crimes.
Straw Man
Points: 12 2
Fear. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Captain Schwartz discovered an ancient book containing the secrets of alchemy. It is rumored that the dark rituals required to work his magic are slowly turning him into a demon.
Points: 4 2
Eliminate one of this ship’s masts when she rolls a 1 on any cannon roll.
Captain Robinson raises a crystal goblet to each foe he personally executes. His crew say that at the stroke of midnight, the goblet glows green and the souls of Robinson’s victims can be heard crying for revenge.
Fallen Angel
Points: 10 1
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
On its maiden voyage, the crew of the Fallen Angel discovered an ancient cult dedicated to worshipping Gog-Clocthoth. The crew joined the cult, and ever since the ancient sea god seems to protect them from enemies.
El Fantasma
Points: 9
Link: Executioner
Fear. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Cursed ship.
Missing for over 10 years, El Fantasma was declared dead. He does not dispute this; instead, he claims to have made a deal with the demons of the sea, whom he plans to pay back in mortal souls.
Papa Doc
Points: 8
Link: The Unblinking 99
If an enemy ship is within S of this ship, you can use this ship’s action for the turn to try to possess a target crew on that ship. Roll a d6; on a result of 6, the target is immediately assigned to this ship. Its nationality changes to match the nationality of this ship.
Papa Doc discovered that he can possess both the dead and living, and he has set his gaze upon the purity that is Josephine Godiva. For if he makes her his one hundredth soul, he will have the power to take on the loa themselves.
Davy Jones
Points: 11
Link: Flying Dutchman
Limit. At the beginning of each of your turns, choose any ability possessed by any ship or crew in play; this character has that ability. You may make a different choice each turn.
The oceans are the dominion of the sea-devil Davy Jones. From them he summons and commands the most foul and evil of sea creatures. He can harness the powers of storms and disasters, and he rejoices in turning the sea red with blood. But most of all he craves the souls of all who sail “his” kingdom.
Sammy the Skull
Points: 6
Link: White Crew
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
While he was alive, Sammy Skulow was considered one of the most brutal and insane captains. It is only fitting, then, that his hatred for everyone damned him to living even after his flesh rotted away.
Points: 3
If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Devereaux found his great obsession, the Eye of the Dragon. Its power was everything he hoped it was—and more: Its power condemned him to a living death under its control.
Tabatha McWarren
Points: 3
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Tabitha McWarren was run out of Providence. Two months later she arrived in New Orleans with a crew devoted to her life. To join her crew, a sailor must drink a mug of her home brew.
The Unblinking 99
Points: 6
Link: Papa Doc
Ninety-nine people have questioned Papa Doc’s power, and 99 souls have been captured for their insolence. Once you become one of the Unblinking, Papa Doc controls you for eternity, your only mission to follow his orders and spread fear and horror to those who oppose him.
White Crew
Points: 7
Link: Sammy the Skull
If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
The White Crew relish the opportunity to rip flesh from bone no matter where it is found, so infused are they with Sammy the Skull’s hatred and venom.
Sargasso Nightmare
Points: 4
Link: Trogs
If a sea monster begins its move within L of this ship, it gets +L to its base move.
Tossed overboard and left for dead, Stephen Kalhoun discovered a dark sea creature that kept him alive as the Sargasso Nightmare. All it asks of him is more blood.
Points: 5
Link: Sargasso Nightmare
If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
Half-man, half-sea creature, these abominations are trained to leave the fleshy crew of their victims to the sea monsters. They are charged with gathering all of the victims’ precious booty.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Points: 16 5
Link: Jack Hawkins
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Captain Jack Hawkins used trickery and deception to steal his beloved Harbinger back from Blackheart. Now he must watch his back, as Blackheart will use the most unholy means to get her back.
Dragon’s Breath
Points: 12 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship.
Hailing from the Barbary Coast, Captain Salazar has brought with him the secret of Greek fire, which he directs in an almost otherworldly rage at any who would enslave him.
Black Cat
Points: 13 3
Link: Bonny Peel
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Captain Bonny Peel gathered the most experienced of Calico Cat’s former crew and elevated them again to the ranks of the feared and respected.
Sea Fox
Points: 12 2
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
The Sea Fox seems magically to appear near unsuspecting opponents, more because of Captain Smith’s dark practices than the crew’s skill.
Points: 9 3
You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
The Selkie’s Irish crew claim to understand the sea in ways no other sailors do. Whatever grants them this power, their ability to sink ships is feared by all captains.
Points: 11 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
Captain Chase survived a shipwreck caused by a rampaging whale. Now he is more likely to attack such behemoths than hunt for gold, and he keeps several harpooners on board for just that purpose.
Points: 6 2
When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
The Orca’s crew works hard to keep her looking like a merchant ship, maintaining her fame as one of the best blockade runners ever to sail.
Points: 8 2
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Captain Dufresne has made his reputation smuggling slaves to freedom in the Jamaica’s holds. Of course, he also uses his exceptional skill to make a chest or two of gold from other illicit cargo whenever possible.
Points: 9 1
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
The Calchas has a reputation for taking strange cargo: Her crew will often ignore gold in favor of exotic animals, plants, and powders from the Spanish Main.
Bonny Peel
Points: 8
Link: Black Cat
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. A captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.
Mentored by Calico Cat, Bonny Peel saw her opportunity to command when the Cat mysteriously disappeared. Tough on her crew, she’s rumored to be kind to those she captures, sometimes even ransoming them back for nothing more than the right to dock at their ports.
Jack Hawkins
Points: 9
Link: Harbinger
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
With Hawkins having the riches of a nobleman, many thought he would retire. But he had one last and very personal mission: to destroy the only man to have beaten him—Blackheart.
Points: 6
Black Mark. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Some say that Blackheart has already sold his soul to the demons of the sea. Others say that he fights them like he has fought everyone else: to his death or theirs.
George Washington LeBeaux
Points: 6
Link: Swamp Fox
Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.
The deep swamps of Louisiana breed a different sort of man. LeBeaux has learned from the mambos, magic men, and shamans that those who harness the power of the loa for evil means are an affront to life itself.
Derrik the Red
Points: 6
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship. Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship’s crew to give her an extra action.
New to the Crimson Coast, this Nordic pirate made his name staking daring raids along the coasts of England, France, and the United States.
Chief PO Charles Richard
Points: 4
Link: Paul Revere
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-American ship or fort.
Assigned to the Spanish Main to assess the reports of strange creatures and madmen, CPO Richard has his crew trained to expect anything and everything. Of course, he knows the reports are ridiculous, but he will follow his orders to the letter.
Skyme the Monkey
Points: 5
If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
Back with Blackheart, this charming “pet” has become even more feral and greedy. Skyme’s violent streak when he’s denied gold evokes humor in Blackheart and terror in everyone else.
“Jerky” Johnson
Points: 4
Link: Pequod
If a sea monster begins its move within L of this ship, it gets +L to its base move.
His left arm twitches (mauled by a giant squid); he has a limp (left foot eaten by a shark); and he’s almost blind (too many days in a whale’s gut)…yet ”Jerky” seems to know when any giant sea creature is near.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
HMS Gargantuan
Points: 16 5
After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The ultimate English warship, HMS Gargantuan bears the scars of a hundred engagements, and each of her sailors has spilled more blood alone than entire crews of other ships.
HMS Bretwalda
Points: 14 4
Link: Trevor Van Tyne
Broadsides Attack.
HMS Bretwalda has been charged with hunting down enemies of an otherworldly nature. Such hunts thrill Van Tyne, who relishes attacking such entities.
HMS Caradoc
Points: 13 4
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Captain Argyle and his crew recently returned from an expedition to the South Pacific, where they reportedly discovered an ancient submerged city—and stole the relics they found there.
HMS Guy Fawkes
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-English ship.
Despite her name, HMS Guy Fawkes is crewed by the strongest of English nationalists, whose pride can border on madness when in the thick of an engagement.
HMS Seaham
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
The converted whaling ship HMS Seaham was issued mysterious orders before her last voyage: find and destroy any sea creature of unusual size. The crew has not been informed of their true purpose, and still believe they hunt mundane beasts.
HMS Mayfair
Points: 8 3
Link: Sir Edmund Atkinson
Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Captain Summerisle is so thoroughly at the mercy of Sir Edmund Atkinson and his “magics” that his crew no longer bears any resemblance to the Royal Navy.
Points: 10 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.
Before each voyage, the Archbishop of Canterbury himself blesses this ship. Her cannonballs have been seen tearing through the unnatural and dark ships that prowl the seas.
HMS Bath
Points: 12 2
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Captain Charles and his crew are adept at sailing into enemy ports in broad daylight and making off with plunder, often before the flabbergasted authorities realize what has happened.
HMS Half Moon
Points: 9 2
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
HMS Half Moon’s hold contains a strange mechanical device that Captain Maximillian claims can drill into an enemy’s hold and claim her treasure without firing a shot.
HMS Starbuck
Points: 7 1
If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Captain Rivera honed his skills in the South China Seas, and he has taught his crew that revenge is perhaps the highest virtue to which a sailor can aspire.
Trevor van Tyne
Points: 6
Link: HMS Bretwalda
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against the Cursed. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
It did not surprise anyone that Van Tyne would risk his reputation for vanquishing monsters, demons, and beasts in the New World. What surprised many was how long it took him to find a woman to share the glory. But one glance at Mademoiselle Godiva, and it was a done deal.
Sir Edmund Atkinson
Points: 8
Link: HMS Mayfair
If an enemy ship is within S of this ship, you can use this ship’s action for the turn to try to possess a target crew on that ship. Roll a d6; on a result of 6, the target is immediately assigned to this ship. Its nationality changes to match the nationality of this ship.
Banished from London when the virgin daughter of a nobleman was killed while under his care, Atkinson spent countless hours contacting the “powers beyond,” which told him to come to the New World to see what power truly means.
Marques Miguel Antonio
Points: 10
Link: El Cervantes
Once per turn, this ship may look at any one face-down treasure on any ship or island. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
With Spain on the decline, the power of the New World will not be held by the crown, but by those powerful enough to wrest control of it. Marques Miquel Antonio plans to make sure he is the last one standing.
Commander Spencer Portland
Points: 7
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
Portland’s disgust at having to answer to Van Tyne and hear rumors of monsters and other nonsense has him working his crew extra hard, preparing them to fight for the crown—not some fool’s errands.
Jean Desailly
Points: 6
Link: La Richelieu
Black Mark. Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.
Jean Desailly’s name is not mentioned in polite company. He is scorned by society (both high and low), and his practice of dark magic has seen him banned in nine European countries. Yet he continues to practice his vile experiments, laughing at those who call him mad.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
El Cristal del Obispo
Points: 16 5
Link: The Inquisitor
This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.
This enormous vessel has recently taken on a new passenger: the man known only as The Inquisitor. He now leads the Spanish fleet in its battle against evils both real and imagined.
Santo Columba
Points: 14 4
Link: Don Osvaldo Guillén
As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Capitan Guillen’s vicious raiders have become a matter of national pride for Spain, as its power declines and victories become harder to achieve.
El Rafael
Points: 13 4
Link: The Inquisitor
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.
The cherubic figurehead on the front of El Rafael masks this vessel’s true purpose: a place of punishment for Spanish prisoners of war. It is often the last thing insolent prisoners see before being keelhauled.
La Catedral del Mar
Points: 13 3
Link: The Inquisitor
When engaging a foreign enemy, the crew of this ship will fly the flag of the Inquisition just below that of the crown’s, striking fear into the most stalwart of opponents.
Santos Romanos
Points: 12 2
Link: The Inquisitor
This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.
The cloaked figures who crew this vessel make no attempt to hide their allegiance to the Inquisition. Many sailors have thrown themselves to the sharks rather than be taken captive by them.
El Monte Cristo
Points: 11 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Spanish ship.
Capitan Leclere claims to be a staunch supporter of Spain despite his previous Napoleonic leanings. Nevertheless, his superiors never order him to sail near Corsica for that reason.
El Cervantes
Points: 11 3
Link: Marques Miguel Antonio
Schooner. Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
Miguel Antonio has turned this ship to one purpose: trail a ship out of dock and then kill her crew for whatever treasure they find.
El Martillo de Dios
Points: 8 2
Link: The Inquisitor
If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
When the Inquisition began its hunt for supernatural forces on the ocean, this was the first ship they commandeered.
El Pulpo
Points: 10 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
El Pulpo has survived a number of encounters with creatures far larger than herself.
El Raton
Points: 2 1
This ship cannot carry crew.
Only a skeleton crew mans this boat, whose jovial capitan named her with the thought that no one notices a mouse until after it has stolen the cheese.
The Inquisitor
Points: 7
Link: La Catedral del Mar, El Cristal del Obispo, El Martillo de Dios, El Rafael, and Santos Romanos
Black Mark. If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
To have the Inquisitor notice you is to give up hope of a normal life. With one glance you are faced with the punishment of god or banishment to the devil. To hear his whispering voice is to hear the scratchings of 1,000 years of pain.
Don Osvaldo Guillen
Points: 7
Link: Santo Columba
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
With a fleet of cargo ships full of gold and reputation of courage, bravery, and sheer machismo, Guillen has become a Spanish hero, a hero that this once-mighty power desperately needs.
Jacques, Duc de Valois
Points: 3
Link: Mademoiselle Josephine Godiva
Black Mark. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
A deal with Papa Doc has allowed Jacques to glimpse his future as a powerbroker who can control the weak of mind and spirit. All he has to do is deliver Lady Godiva—innocence and purity intact—to the voodoo king.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
In a race to control the Pacific, the French have pinned their hopes on the Gaule; a ship that lost crew to the English in the Barbary Coast and the Americans in the Atlantic and has no intention of losing anything ever again.
La Charlemagne
Points: 15 5
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
Amiral Saliceti assisted Emperor Napoleon in his rise to power, and has outfitted his ship with a variety of odd weapons, including a guillotine.
La Corse
Points: 17 4
Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.
Once the pride of the emperor’s naval power, La Corse was nearly sunk at Trafalgar but has since been rebuilt hardier and stronger than before.
Le Bonaparte
Points: 16 4
Schooner. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
Capitaine de Guille is a veteran of a hundred battles, including many waged on the Barbary Coast. He picked up the Corsairs’ knack for drafting low to avoid close-range shots.
L' Eroica
Points: 10 3
Link: Mademoiselle Josephine Godiva
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
L’Eroica maintains a cabin for the beautiful Mademoiselle Godiva, who has eluded many capture attempts. She continues to sail as if on the notes of the Beethoven’s symphony the ship was named for.
Le Republicain
Points: 7 2
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
The sailors on this vessel have reinforced her hull with as much wood as they could find, determined to stave off those who would harm her.
La Versailles
Points: 12 2
This ship’s cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.
Rumors abound that La Versailles was a place of refuge for nobility during the Revolution; even if that is true, the sailors manning her are now men of the sea, tried and true.
La Richelieu
Points: 10 3
Link: Jean Desailly
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.
La Richelieu sails on the will of the crazed Jean Desailly. Sailors claim they have been to port only once in the last five years—no one is sure just how they stay alive.
Le Duc d’Enghien
Points: 14 3
Schooner. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Napoleon himself commissioned this ship and named her after one of his sworn enemies, as a warning against those who would defy his imperial authority.
La Toussaint L’Ouverture
Points: 7 2
When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.
Capitaine Chott, a former enemy of the emperor, proved his loyalty to Napoleon by capturing this vessel from rebels in Santo Domingo.
Le Rochefort
Points: 5 1
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Capitaine Augereau recently returned from Haiti, where he spent quite a bit of time with the slaves. Some say he learned unnatural secrets that he uses to further the cause of the empire.
Mademoiselle Josephine Godiva
Points: 0
Link: L’Eroica, Jacques, Duc de Valois
Limit. Ransom. Choose one French crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
With innocence and pure trust, Mademoiselle Godiva boarded L’Eroica because her betrothed had requested her presence in the New World. The attacks she has endured from both ships and monsters have her and the crew both puzzled and cautious.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Points: 16 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-American ship or fort.
Admiral Crabtree’s family hails from the original Plymouth settlers. His brushes with horror at sea, however, have turned him to the bottle, and instilled in him a burning hatred for non-Americans.
Points: 14 4
Link: “Jerky” Johnson
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
Captain Ahab’s, obsession with giant sea creatures led to a chance encounter with “Jerky,” who can not only find such monstrosities, but also may be able to control them.
Paul Revere
Points: 15 4
Link: Chief PO Charles Richard
Schooner. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Under the command of CPO Charles Richard, the Paul Revere has circumnavigated the globe more than 10 times, and her crew is among the most seasoned in the American navy.
Points: 11 3
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
The Mohican and her captain, a grizzled man named Simpson, represent a secret American intelligence experiment: recruiting sailors from other nations in the hope of turning them into spies for America.
Dark Fox
Points: 11 2
The Dark Fox made a name for herself in the war against Tripoli. She has since been fitted with the latest weapons in order to continue harassing European powers and disrupting piracy.
Points: 10 3
If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.
The Saratoga has been afloat since the last days of the American Revolution, and some say that during battle the spirits of Patriot soldiers aim the Saratoga’s cannons true.
Swamp Fox
Points: 12 3
Link: George Washington LeBeaux
Schooner. Broadsides Attack.
Recruited by LeBeaux from the swamps of Florida and back alleys of New Orleans, the Swamp Fox’s crew has been granted full military rankings amid rumors that they provide the ship with unnatural protection.
Points: 9 2
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Some whisper of the Brandywine’s unnatural ability to find her way through any ocean, but Captain Fry insists it is nothing more than the rigid application of natural scientific principles.
Points: 9 1
Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
The tiny Hessian is nearly a renegade. In fact, she appears on no official naval records, raising questions about just who authorizes her vicious attacks.
Jonas Richman
Points: 5
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.
Jonas Richmond knows the seduction of evil only too well. The loss of his family to violent predators left him with a single motivation: the destruction of any servant of evil.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Load this treasure face down. You may reveal it after this ship is rammed by a sea monster, but before any boarding roll is made. When revealed, move the boarding sea monster to the nearest island. Remove Livestock from the game.
Martyr's Amulet
All cannon rolls made by Cursed ships against this ship are reduced by 1.
Monkey's Paw
Once per turn when an enemy ship is given a shoot action to shoot at this ship, its controller chooses one of her cannons within range: That cannon automatically hits.
Witch's Brew
Once per turn instead of giving this ship an action, you may place a fog bank within L of her.
Maps of Hades
Once per turn, before this ship takes an action, roll a d6, On a roll of 5 or 6, the opponent to your right may give this ship a move action. If he or she does, this ship may not be given another action that turn.
Holy Water
No enemy ability can affect this ship or her crew.
Sunken Treasure
When revealed, roll two d6. The total is how much gold Sunken Treasure is worth. At the beginning of each of your turns, reduce that value by 1, until Sunken Treasure is either reduced to 0 gold or is unloaded at your home island. Sunken Treasure takes up two cargo spaces.
Eye of Insanity
At the beginning of each of your turns, choose a target crew on this ship. Then choose a Cursed crew in play. The target can use the Cursed crew’s ability that turn instead of its own. You may make a different choice each turn.
The Cursed Conch
Instead of giving this ship an action on your turn, you may give a sea monster an action, even if it is not part of your fleet.
Chariot of the Gods
Place this treasure on the nearest sea monster: It may now be assigned one crew, per the transfer rules.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 3
This ship gains one 3S cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move on her next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target’s crew cannot use their abilities on the target’s next turn.
Points: 19 5
Sea Monster. Limit. At the beginning of each of your turns, choose any ability possessed by any ship or crew in play; this character has that ability. You may make a different choice each turn.
Many sailors believe this monstrosity to be the legendary Behemoth the bible claims will be the a sign of the apolcalypse. Those who have encountered it and lived claim that it wields the power greater than both heaven and hell.
Mist Walker
Points: 14 4
Sea Monster. If this sea monster ends its turn in a fog bank, on her next turn it may use its move action to move out of any other fog bank in play.
Sailors who have seen Mist Walker—and they are rare indeed—claim that the beast doesn’t make a sound as it materializes out of the fog. The memory of their companions’ screams and torn bodies, though, will forever live in their minds.
"Screaming" Mimi
Points: 6
Link: Banshee's Wail
Give this ship a move action but do not move her. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.
Some say she is nothing more than a mad woman, but others know that she is a spirit forced to spend eternity haunting the sea and seeking revenge on those in uniform - those who let her death go unnoticed.
The Red Skull
This ship and any crew aboard her belong to the Cursed nation instead of to their nation.
Fool's Gold
Points: 12 4
Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
With her golden sails, the Fool's Gold looks like an imperial ship from the crown's personal fleet. Captain Jeffries uses that ruse to take the gold from the royal fools stupid enough to fall for such an obvious trick.
Electric Eel
Points: 13 4
This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Sneaky and deadly, Captain Ness Kruise has no qualms about relieving treasure from those he deems unworthy to possess it.
Points: 14 4
The Boneyard is made of femurs and ribs, held together with the marrow scraped from her victims. Her very presence has driven the most hardened pirates mad with fear.
Drowned Man
Points: 16 4
Ghost Ship.
The Drowned Man and her crew are made up of ships and sailors from wrecks the world over. Together, these entities have become a powerful and dark force intent on seeking revenge for their untimely demises!
Black Diamond
Points: 14 4
If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
The crew of the Black Diamond care about only one thing: gold. Specifically, taking your gold and adding it their holdings, which are hidden from the prying eyes of Davy Jones.
Broken Key
Points: 13 4
Broadsides Attack.
The captain of the Broken Key is rumored to have a part of the key to a secret vault of treasure hidden by Davy Jones himself. He has outfitted his boat to dissuade anyone from searching for his piece of the puzzle.
HMS Richards
Points: 13 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-English ship.
Captain Hungerford keeps his crew focused on one task: destroying any who would challenge England's dominion over the sea.
Points: 16 4
Ghost Ship.
The Nightmare appears on moonless nights where any ship has sunk. She picks up those wretched souls who seek vengeance on the living.
Points: 11 2
If this ship ends her turn in a fog bank, on her next turn she may use her move action to move out of any other fog bank in play.
From the mists that gather at nightfall, the Howl appears with the scream of a thousand tormented souls.
El Pluton
Points: 7 2
This ship gets +L to her base move if she has all of her masts.
El Pluton seems to have emerged from the underworld itself. No one is sure how she is able to float, unless allowed to by the gods themselves.
Black Gentleman
Points: 13 2
Fear. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
No sane crew would ever sail on a ship named for the Devil, and yet she does sail, especially on moonless nights when no wind blows.
Moor Hound
Points: 15 2
Ghost Ship.
No ship has ever been recorded as the Moor Hound, yet sailors swear the English ship has fired upon them.
L' Epee Sanglante
Points: 7 2
Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.
Rumored to be crewed by dead French corsairs, the “Bloody Sword” has been seen everywhere from the South China Seas to the Spanish Main.
Points: 8 2
Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The Salem was sunk by a wave almost immediately after leaving Boston. Yet it docked in New Orleans with Tabitha McWarren.
La Desesperanza
Points: 14 1
Ghost Ship.
No Spanish sailor wants to die with unfinished business, so fearful are they of an undead assignment aboard La Desesperanza.
Points: 10 1
If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
This ship’s name comes from the swaying of hanged sailors, who still move this ship along her dark course.
Black Gate
Points: 5 1
Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.
This ship was banned from port because of rumor of plague. The screams of her dying crew can be heard for miles.
La Dischorde
Points: 11 1
Fear. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
La Dischorde’s crew can be heard laughing at the sea madness, curses, and mutiny that occur aboard other ships wherever she sails.
Burning Man
Points: 14 1
Ghost Ship.
Once used to carry explosives and crewed by “expendable assets,” this vessel is rumored never to have returned from her last attack mission.
Points: 5 1
Cursed crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The crew of the Judas is made up of those sailors who no one else wants, the scum of the scum.
Points: 10 1
Turtle Ship. Fear.
Rumors that Captain Drako chains up his rowers so that they can’t escape during a raid have yet to be proven.
Pandora’s Box
Points: 10 1
Turtle Ship. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
With a sense of humor typical of seamongers, the crew considers their raids both good (for them) and bad (for their victims).
Points: 11 1
Turtle Ship. If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
No one has seen the inside of the Crypt and lived.
Points: 10 1
Turtle Ship. Fear.
Only the dead and those who think they can control them sail on the Sarcophagus.
Points: 9 1
Turtle Ship. If this ship ends her turn in a fog bank, on her next turn she may use her move action to move out of any other fog bank in play.
Made from the bones of a giant alligator, this vessel mutely menaces the shoreline like its reptilian namesake.
Points: 8 1
Turtle Ship. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
When this ship rams and boards, it is said that sailors swarm out of her like a nest of spiders.
Points: 30 10
Link: The Headhunter
Ghost Ship. Junk. Treasure Ship.
When one of the emperor's treasure ships went off course in a storm, she was presumed to have sunk, her crew and treasure lost at the bottom of the sea. A year and a day later, the ship was seen and hauled, but when Jade Rebellion crew sailed close to her, they quickly noticed her new ghostly form. From then on the ship became known as the Guichuan - ghost ship. This ship of purest evil, commanded by the notorious Headhunter and crewed by mysterious phantoms, now claims allegiance to the Cursed and the sea fiends that animate her.
The Headhunter
Points: 7
Link: Guichuan
Fear. Headhunter's Domain. (Headhunter's Domain: This crew may use its abilities aboard only the Guichuan. Once at the beginning of each of your turns roll a d6. On a result of 6, any ship or sea monster in your fleet may be given two actions that turn. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may either take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space, or eliminate all of the other ship's crew.)
Points: 16 3
Link: Captain Nemo
Mercenary. Submarine. Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s hull pieces.
The Nautilus is Captain Nemo’s flagship and his greatest creation, a ship so powerful and terrible that she is often mistaken for a creature from the deep.
Points: 16 3
Link: Count Gustov
Fear. Mercenary. Submarine.
A strange fog seems to follow the Terror, spirit-like wisps swirling about her decks whenever she surfaces.
Points: 14 3
Link: Herr Fuchs
Mercenary. Submarine. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her hull pieces.
Though slowed considerably by the weight of her thick, iron hull, the Hephaestus once survived a direct shot from a 30-pound cannonball.
Points: 12 3
Link: Nikos Chelios
Mercenary. Submarine. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
A favorite tactic of the Fathom is to surface in the middle of a battle to sink a weakened ship, and then gather plunder from the ocean floor.
Points: 12 2
Mercenary. Submarine. If submerged, this ship can ram another ship (then move away) and then initiate a boarding party against that ship.
The Barracuda was originally built by Nemo as a gift for his friend Robur, years before the infamous “Conqueror” took to the air.
Points: 11 2
Link: Eileen Brigid O’Brien
Mercenary. Submarine. Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
Nemo named the Mobilis with part of his motto—mobilis in mobile or “moving in a moving thing”—before giving it to O’Brien.
Devil Ray
Points: 10 2
Link: Yeshaji Angria
Mercenary. Submarine. When submerged , this ship gets +L to her base move.
With plans from Nemo, Angria has created one of the fastest submersibles ever seen. Rumor has it that the Devil Ray can journey from Bombay to Fiji without surfacing.
Brave Selkirk
Points: 11 2
Mercenary. Submarine. Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
The Brave Selkirk was named by Nemo’s shipbuilders in honor of the ancient sailor who called the Mysterious Islands home, long before even Nemo did.
Points: 15 4
Link: Christian Fiore
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.
Led by Fiore, the crew of the Forward mutinied while sailing in the Arctic. Since then, the criminal crew has haunted the waters around the Mysterious Islands.
Santa Molina
Points: 11 4
Link: Osvaldo de Deus Celemente
Mercenary. Schooner. Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
Arriving in the warm waters of the South Pacific, the crew of this one-time Spanish trading ship have vowed never to return to the European port they once called home.
Points: 14 3
Link: Ibrahan Ozat
Mercenary. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
The crew of the Meropis claim to be from one of the Mysterious Islands of the same name—one never seen by outsiders.
Hare's Luck
Points: 9 2
Mercenary. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Judging by the name of his ship, the one-legged captain of the Hare’s Luck is not without a sense of humor.
Points: 12 3
Link: Luc Savard
Mercenary. Schooner. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take one treasure from any ship she touches.
Once an American vessel, the Matuku was renamed by the natives of the Islands who captured and now crew the ship.
Points: 10 2
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
Sailors’ tales say that the Duncan is crewed by traitors and cannibals more likely to eat their captives than ransom them.
Bashaw Folly
Points: 12 2
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
Those who don’t believe in sea monsters quail when they see the serpent’s skull used as a figurehead by the Bashaw Folly.
Bosun's Bane
Points: 10 1
Mercenary. This ship can’t be shot at by ships within S of her.
The ragtag crew of rebels and mutineers aboard the Bosun’s Bane will turn on each other if they go too long without attacking another ship.
Count Gustov
Points: 6
Link: Terror
Ex-patriot. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
Dissatisfied with czarist Russia, Count Leonardo Gustov contacted Nemo with the idea of a partnership, two men creating their own world order by destroying the old. Nemo declined but agreed to offer him his technology. Gustov has used it to wage his personal war on the minions of the “soon-to-be-dead queens and kings of Europe.”
Herr Fuchs
Points: 6
Link: Hephaestus
Ex-patriot. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
With the Prussian courts choosing favorites, Herr Fuchs saw his ingenuity too often declined. After consulting with Nemo, he saw the future: Leave Germany with his team of designers, take to the sea, and never again sell his designs.
Eileen Brigid O'Brien
Points: 6
Link: Mobilis
Ex-patriot. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
With her family imprisoned by England and their land given to the Golds, O’Brien vowed revenge on all involved. With Nemo’s technology, Irish wealth in the New World, and a crew of dedicated freedom fighters, O’Brien has taken her fight against England to the sea.
Captain Nemo
Points: 8
Link: Nautilus
Ex-patriot. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. A captive becomes assigned to this ship, takes up no cargo space, and can use its abilities. The captive cannot leave this ship unless the ship sinks.
His past as mysterious as the islands he has claimed to have found, and with riches beyond that of many of the Crowns of Europe, Captain Nemo has given those dissatisfied with the current state of the world a new vision: allegiance to oneself and honor to the sea.
Nikos Chelios
Points: 5
Link: Fathom
Ex-patriot. Once per turn, this ship may randomly take two treasures from any ship she touches.
With shipping companies spread across the globe, the richest man in Greece felt he had conquered the sea. But when Gustov took him on a trip in his submarine, Chelios’ eyes were opened to a world he had no control over. Using Nemo’s technology, he has set out to prove that the true masters of the sea sail under it, not above it.
Luc Savard
Points: 6
Link: Matuku
Ex-patriot. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against American ships.
Watching Canada become a pawn and forgotten territory while the upstart United States thrived, Savard grew increasingly dissatisfied. Starting life as a pirate preying on U.S. ships was a start, but when he was outlawed by Canada, he vowed to fight on his own until he controlled the entire hemisphere.
Osvaldo de Deus Celemente
Points: 7
Link: Santa Molina
Broadsides Attack. Ex-patriot. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Piracy was a dead end for this Cuban, who saw his countrymen cut down by better technology. So in a daring midnight raid, he took control of a Spanish ship and vowed that slavers the world over would pay. He hopes someday to meet the rumored Nemo and learn some of his secrets.
Ibrahan Ozat
Points: 6
Link: Meropis
Ex-patriot. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Petty conflicts in the Mediterranean became as silly as they were deadly, and Ozat knew he could not take another order from a sultan who never left his perfumed baths or pile of pillows. With rumors of uncharted islands, wealth beyond dreams, and technology unheard of in Europe, Ozat set sail for the Mysterious Islands.
Christian Fiore
Points: 6
Link: Forward
Ex-patriot. Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.
Fiore had a knack for getting people to tell him their secrets, for creating kings. Eventually the objects of his manipulations began to bore him, and hearing of Gustov’s plan, he took his talents to the sea to help create a new world order.
Yeshaji Angria
Points: 8
Link: Devil Ray
Ex-patriot. Once per turn, this ship may look at any one face-down treasure on any ship or island. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
The last of the Angria dynasty, Yeshaji watched as the English fleet bombarded his family holdings near Bombay. He knew then that the age of piracy was dead. But when he saw Nemo’s Nautilus surface from the depths, he saw a new way to restore his family’s pride and power.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Prussian Crown
Points: 16 5
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
The new pirate crew of the “Schultzie” are inordinately proud of capturing the German frigate and her cache of modern weaponry.
Points: 12 3
Link: Captain Mission
Submarine. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Mercenary ships.
After stealing the Coleoptera, Captain Mission painted the ship bright gold to taunt Nemo before setting out to waylay ships on the Sea of Krakens.
Thirty Tyrants
Points: 13 4
Broadsides Attack.
When piracy became difficult on the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, Captain Zambrowsky led the Thirty Tyrants and her crew through the newly opened Suez Canal toward the Mysterious Islands.
Xiamen's Claws
Points: 13 4
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Negotiations aboard the Xiamen’s Claws always take place in the captain’s quarters, where he keeps his pet—a live tiger.
Sunrise Fire
Points: 12 4
Schooner. Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
Villagers in the Mysterious Islands often see the silhouette of the Sunrise Fire as she sails by in the predawn hours, marking each island she passes as potential prey.
Nancy Nox
Points: 12 3
Link: “Cannonball” Gallows
If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
The Nancy Nox is a ship of carousing buccaneers who have vowed to “make merry even in the land of the dead,” and who prefer kegs of rum to chests of gold.
Devil's Pay
Points: 4 2
This ship cannot shoot when she carries treasure.
Because the Devil's Pay was built for speed rather than carrying capacity, her crew must take the best plunder rather than the most plunder.
Panama Sun
Points: 10 3
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
The Panama Sun is crewed by failed forty-niners who stole the ship and her cargo of gold, then fled to the Mysterious Islands to take up their new trade of piracy.
El Tejon
Points: 7 2
Link: Benito de Soto
You may double the range of this ship’s cannons each turn, but you must roll a 6 to hit.
Crewed by determined Spanish outlaws, El Tejon will never give up a chase until she has captured her target.
Points: 8 2
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Under the guidance of American mastermind Adam Worth, the crew of the Shamrock sails unerringly toward the greatest plunder to be found in the Mysterious Islands.
Smiling Jim
Points: 7 1
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Said to be captained by the ghost of a shantytown saloon-keep, the Smiling Jim is crewed by sailors who throw cargo overboard in hopes of appeasing the ship’s namesake.
Points: 6
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against Mercenary ships. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Hammersmith’s ship, the Glory, was laden with goods when a metal ship-beast surfaced and destroyed her. After washing ashore a mysterious island that rose out of the sea, he put together a new crew, whose only purpose is to bury submarines next to the Glory.
Benito de Soto
Points: 9
Link: El Tejon
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Benito de Soto claims to be the last true pirate: His attacks are quick; his goal is gold; and his crew has perfected the art of capturing ships. Hiding out along the coast of South America, de Soto appears only when his hunger for gold needs to be satisfied.
Points: 7
If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
The “Little Devil” seems to have been spawned from Hades itself. With no regard for human life, he is chaos personified, and any ship that comes across him can only hope that they survive the onslaught.
Professor Clive Defoe
Points: 5
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Professor Defoe has studied the emergence of the submarine with great interest. He has been paid handsomely by the Crown to bring in one—in any condition.
“Cannonball” Gallows
Points: 0
Link: Nancy Nox
Limit. Ransom. Place this crew face up during setup. You may build your fleet using 5 more points than the game’s build total. This crew cannot leave this ship unless captured or eliminated.
The son of Genny Gallows grew up as a pirate. But for him, piracy is all fun and games, almost like living a dream of gold, glory, girls, and rum. He sails for fun, and crews line up to sail with him.
The Gentleman
Points: 6
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The ladies the Gentleman has rescued have spread his name throughout the seas and ports. To have been saved by him is to have been welcomed into an exclusive club, whose true nature is known only by its members.
Captain Mission
Points: 7
Link: Coleoptera
This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
With a laugh, this self-proclaimed King of Pirates is based in Madagascar. Mission considers Nemo to be a fool, his ideas the idiocy of someone with too much money and too little imagination.
Lt. Henry Ducie Chads
Points: 5
Link: HMS Botany Bay
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Tasked with ridding the world of threats at sea, Chads’ focus is the pirates who seem to attack at will. He has zeroed in on Captain Mission and his ilk, with the aim of making the seas safe for everyone.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
HMS Pacificum
Points: 15 5
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Among the nearly 700 sailors who crew HMS Pacificum are 20 who specialize in operating the hardhat diving suits they use to board submersibles.
HMS Gallows
Points: 16 4
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.
Innumerable pirates have swung from the yardarm of HMS Gallows, a ship expressly constructed by the Crown to pursue pirates to the far ends of the Earth.
HMS Zephyr
Points: 15 4
Link: Hermione Gold
Schooner. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Her white sails crisp and polished silver trim gleaming, HMS Zephyr often seems to race over the waves faster than the wind.
HMS Iron Prince
Points: 10 3
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
One of Her Majesty’s first and finest ironclads, HMS Iron Prince can withstand incredible impacts with minimal damage.
HMS Empress Of India
Points: 11 3
If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
One of the Admiralty’s few remaining packet ships, HMS Empress sails between Asia and England carrying only the most important cargo—and well prepared to defend it.
HMS Challenger
Points: 9 2
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Christened by Prince Albert, HMS Challenger was named in honor of the brilliant scientist who gave the secret of depth charges to the Imperial Navy.
HMS Botany Bay
Points: 12 3
Link: Lieutenant Henry Ducie Chads
Broadsides Attack.
Once a colony ship, HMS Botany Bay spent six months in the dry docks of Hong Kong to be outfitted with two gun decks and more than four dozen cannons.
HMS Auckland
Points: 12 3
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
HMS Auckland is crewed by rough sailors recruited from the penal colony of Moreton Bay and offered a chance at freedom in return for service.
HMHV Plunder
Points: 6 2
Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.
The crew of the hired vessel HMHV Plunder is loyal to the Crown, but only so long as coin from the Crown outweighs what they might win from piracy.
HMS Disraeli
Points: 7 2
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
When enemies close on HMS Disraeli, they fear the crack of her marksmen’s rifles as much as the boom of her cannons.
HMS Bletchley
Points: 9 1
L-range cannons cannot hit this ship.
HMS Bletchley has been ordered to map the Mysterious Islands, plant the Union flag, and expand the empire.
Hermione Gold
Points: 7
Link: HMS Zephyr
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-English ship.
When Eileen Brigid O’Brien escaped prison, Hermione Gold took that as a slap to her family’s face. With a ship paid for by her family fortune and a crack fighting squad provided by the Crown, she has begun her hunt for O’Brien.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
La Manila
Points: 13 5
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
La Manila is the largest Spanish ship in the western Pacific, and the flagship of many Spanish fleets in Asian waters.
El Galeon De Gibraltar
Points: 14 4
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
This ship’s crew won fame for sinking a submarine by dropping cannonballs over the side to pound the submersible’s hull as she passed below.
El Corazon Dorado
Points: 13 4
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Spanish nobility journeying to Pacific colonies often use the luxurious officers’ quarters aboard El Corazon Dorado.
La Colera
Points: 12 3
Link: Luis Zuan
Broadsides Attack.
Under Capitan Zuan the crew of La Colera ignore the events of the past, instead blaming all countries for the loss of Spanish pride and power in the New World.
El Villalobos
Points: 7 2
On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew and one mast from the rammed ship.
Since being disastrously boarded, the disgraced capitan of El Villalobos keeps several deck cannons constantly loaded with chainshot for the next time an enemy comes too close.
El Relampago
Points: 12 3
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Capitan Tito and his “Lightning” have hunted submersible vessels with a vengeance since one sank a Spanish galleon captained by his son.
La Sirviente
Points: 14 3
Link: The Mask
Schooner. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Either daring or mad, the Mask and his crew are well known for swinging over open water to board and assault enemy vessels before the ships are in contact, with extra gold going to the sailor exhibiting the most creative maneuver.
El Extremadura
Points: 13 3
Link: Alejandro Malaspina
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
An aging schooner that once patrolled the Pacific coast of the Americas, El Extremadura was sent west by the Crown after Mexico won its independence.
La Saragoza
Points: 8 2
One of this ship’s treasures is worth +1 gold when she docks at your home island.
Sailors aboard La Saragossa take inspiration from the once-besieged city for which the ship is named. In three decades on the sea, the ship has never been captured.
San Theodora
Points: 9 2
After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Few believe stories that the San Theodora is crewed by monks searching for a holy artifact brought to the Mysterious Islands by a Spanish outlaw.
La Ebro
Points: 7 1
This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Capitan Espinosa firmly believes that the Mysterious Islands are all that remain of the Terra Australis described by Aristotle.
Luis Zuan
Points: 7
Link: La Colera
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Spanish ship.
When his uncles left the employ of Spain to be pirates, the family name was ruined. A child at the time, Luis remembers the anger he felt at his family’s treachery. He has vowed to prove that the Zuan family is loyal to the Crown, and he will do anything to erase the past.
The Mask
Points: 7
Link: La Sirviente
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Who is the Mask? That is the question running through the court of Spain. With victories against Spain’s enemies (both real and imagined) and a flair for self promotion, the Mask has won the backing of Spain’s Crown and its ladies.
Henri Diop
Points: 2
Link: All French Ships
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Mercenary ships.
After he was captured by mercenaries during a raid led by Count Gustov on his coastal African home, he escaped to Paris to become an expert on mercenary ships and tactics.
Alejandro Malaspina
Points: 3
Link: El Extremadura
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
Italian by birth, but backed by the Spanish Crown, Malaspina mapped the Pacific from the coast of the Americans to the Philippines. His knowledge of Spanish holdings and his grand plan for global unity are visionary.
Pierre Aronnax
Points: 5
Link: All French Ships
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
A scholar and expert on sea life, Aronnax’s goal is to discover what makes mercenaries tick, so that he can better answer questions of the sea and of man.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Points: 15 5
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.
Even the battle-hardened crew of L’Aube can’t help but smile at the antics of the trained monkeys brought on board by their capitaine.
La Martinette
Points: 12 4
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Featuring sailors from around the world, the crew of La Martinette are bound together by the rigid military discipline of their officers.
Le Flamberge
Points: 12 4
Schooner. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.
Named for the sword of the legendary Charlemagne, the “Flame Cutter” has a skilled and dedicated crew composed of the best French sailors.
Le Descharges
Points: 13 3
If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
Many of the sailors aboard Le Descharges came fresh from the academy at Brest, ill prepared for the bloody battles they’ve seen in the Islands.
Le Vercingetorix
Points: 8 2
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
Though Le Vercingetorix is named for an ancient Gaulish chieftain, her steel-riveted hull marks her as one of the newer ships in the French fleet.
Le Rocher Noir
Points: 11 3
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Capitaine Nash has nerves of steel, and what sometimes seems like a death wish, as he insists his vessel carry only the most dangerous cargo in the Mysterious Islands.
Points: 12 3
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Preferring boarding to being boarded, the crew of L’Espadon brag that no enemy has ever set foot on her decks.
Le Petit Dauphin
Points: 9 3
Schooner. Once per turn, this ship may move S after loading treasure.
Construction of Le Petit Dauphin was funded by a wealthy French nobleman who secretly joined her crew as a deckhand to sail the seas in search of adventure.
Le Lache du Calvados
Points: 11 2
This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.
French sailors ordered to serve aboard the “Coward of Calvados” throw themselves into battle with ferocious courage to prove that the ship was not named for them.
Points: 7 2
If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Since coming to the Mysterious Islands, the masts and planks of L’Emeraude have begun to sprout shoots and leaves as if they were still alive, leaving the ship’s crew curious and slightly disturbed.
La Crete Argentee
Points: 14 1
Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.
Carrying messages and supplies among the French fleet in the Islands, the “Silver Crest” boasts striped sails that are always a welcome sight to French sailors.
Ned Lands
Points: 6
Link: All French Ships
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster or submarine.
Hailing from Canada, Ned Lands’ reputation as a harpooner was solidified when he became the only man ever to have speared a kraken and lived to tell about it. His search for the mysterious sea serpent and the even more mysterious “submarines” has kept him out at sea.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
USS Stephens
Points: 20 5
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Under the command of Willeford, USS Stephens is an agile and dangerous vessel that has sailed circles around smaller and faster ships.
USS Lamon
Points: 12 2
Link: Captain Montana Mays
Submarine. If submerged, this ship can ram another ship (then move away) and then initiate a boarding party against that ship.
This submersible was called the Narwhal before an American crew captured her from Nemo and renamed her for the friend and confidant of President Lincoln, who led them and perished in battle.
USS Eagan
Points: 15 4
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
The crew of USS Eagan works closely with the brilliant engineers at the Gosport Navy Yard, who successfully duplicated the depth charges invented by the English.
Points: 15 4
Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
Since coming to the Mysterious Islands, the good men who crew the Grampus have been haunted by nightmares of mutiny and a dark end.
USS Paladin
Points: 12 3
Link: Shinji Smith
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
A silver stallion on her masthead, USS Paladin sailed out of San Francisco riding the wind that called her to the most savage parts of the Mysterious Islands.
USS Quigley
Points: 8 2
Once per turn when this ship hits an enemy ship, also eliminate one crew from that ship.
When not taking part in endless target practice, the crew of USS Quigley work endless hours to keep her hull a bright red and her trim a brilliant blue.
USS Bartlett
Points: 10 3
Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.
USS Bartlett was part of a fleet that successfully blockaded Confederate ports and then was sent to explore the South Pacific after the Civil War.
USS Bellevue
Points: 12 3
Link: Kodiak
Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
USS Bellevue crossed the Arctic waters of the Pacific to explore the northern reaches of the Orient before coming south to the Mysterious Islands.
Septem Maria
Points: 10 2
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.
The captain of the “Seven Seas” is a scholar trained in the classics who approaches each battle as if he were writing it up for a history of maritime warfare.
Points: 7 2
Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.
Her crew hastily assembled in California before setting out for the Islands, the Tombstone is crewed by outlaws who have spent more time on horseback than on the deck of a ship.
Captain Montana Mays
Points: 7
Link: USS Lamon
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.
When an American appeared in San Francisco Bay standing on the deck of a captured “submarine,” a hero was born. May now “owns” the western coast of the United States, and with a submarine at his disposal, Manifest Destiny may take root in the Pacific.
Shinji Smith
Points: 5
Link: USS Paladin
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
A native of one of the Mysterious Islands, Shinji was traded like a possession from Nemo to Gustov to Chelios before he escaped to Hawaii, where Mays found him.
Points: 5
Link: USS Bellevue
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
This huge Alaskan native is rumored to be blessed by the gods of the sea. Legend has it that his aim is so perfect that he once killed a whale using only a single spear.
Firepot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within S of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1–3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.
Bad Plans
When this ship rolls for effect at a mysterious island, subtract 1 from the die roll result.
Nemo’s Charts
When this ship rolls for effect at a mysterious island, add 2 to the die roll result.
Enemy of the State
This ship gains the Mercenary keyword.
Luddite’s Revenge
The rank of each of this ship’s cannons is increased by 1. Remove Luddite’s Revenge from the game when this ship succeeds at a shoot action.
Metal Hull
This ship’s base move becomes S and enemy ships must roll a 6 to hit her. If this ship is hit, remove Metal Hull from the game.
Load this treasure face down. Reveal it when target enemy ship moves within S of this ship. Choose and eliminate one mast from the target at the end of her move. Remove Mines from the game.
Power Cannons
The range of each of this ship’s cannons becomes 2 L. Remove Power Cannons from the game when this ship succeeds at a shoot action.
Load this treasure face down. Reveal it when this ship is given a move or shoot action; any one target enemy ship cannot use any crew or ship abilities this turn. Remove Periscope from the game.
Screw Engine
Load this treasure face down. When this ship is given a move action, you may reveal Screw Engine; this ship can move twice. Remove Screw Engine from the game.
Targeting Scope
Load this treasure face down. When this ship is given a shoot action, you may reveal Targeting Scope; one of this ship’s cannons automatically hits an enemy ship within range. Remove Targeting Scope from the game.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 1
This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.
Points: 3
This ship gains one rank 3 with S range cannon that may not have its range or cannon roll increased. It can shoot from any mast (even an eliminated mast).
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
This ship gets +S to her base move.
Points: 2
Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
Points: 1
If derelict, this ship gains a base move of S. This crew takes up no cargo space.
Points: 2
This ship may repair at sea or at any island.
Chainshot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a chainshot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the chainshot before rolling the d6. If the chainshot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target cannot move on her next turn.
Smokepot Specialist
Points: 3
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, you may declare that one of her cannons is shooting a smokepot instead of a cannon; you do not need to target a ship. Simply place the center of a fog bank within S of this ship; it may not touch an island or any ship docked at an island. Remove the fog bank at the beginning of your next turn.
Stinkpot Specialist
Points: 2
Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a stinkpot at a target within S of her. You must declare which cannon will shoot the stinkpot before rolling the d6. If the stinkpot hits, do not eliminate a mast; instead, the target’s crew cannot use their abilities on the target’s next turn.
Points: 14 5
Sea Monster. This sea monster can attack submerged submarines.
Cadara is a Kraken so large that when it sits near the surface it has been mistaken for an island.
Points: 13 4
Sea Monster. This sea monster can attack submerged submarines.
Shaihulud is a large and ancient creature widely believed to have come from another world.
Queen Teresa Pavon
Points: 6
Ex-patriot. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, one of this ship’s cannons may shoot again if it misses.
When she was born the high priest in her village had a dream - that Teresa Pavon would be the Queen that brought back the Mayan Civilization to it's hights. A chance meeting with Nemo led her to beleive that the modern technology was the means to reach glory and power she is destined to wield.
Nemo's Plans
This treasure can’t be removed from this ship unless she sinks. Any other unique treasure aboard this ship that would be removed from the game after it is used remains aboard; it can be reused or continues to function.
Tasmanian Devil
Points: 14 4
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any ship.
These prisoners overthrew the original crew and declared themselves independent from all governments - and the fools who are loyal to them.
Points: 13 4
Mercenary. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you made for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
Led by Bennett, a freed pirate captain, the crew of the Revolution instigate raids against all who stand in their path to worldwide anarchy.
Empty Sky
Points: 12 4
Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
Captain Hart and his crew of pirates believe in two things: gold will make you happy and rum will make you even happier.
Points: 14 4
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Led by a private man-of-war from Boston, the crew of the Independence have been trained to attack the metal ships that have plagued the eastern seaboard.
Points: 10 2
Mercenary. This ship can shoot at submerged submarines within S of her.
The Corcoran came to the Mysterious Isles in search of the many monsters in their waters, but are the crew are happy to use their 'sea bombs' on ships as well.
Points: 11 2
Mercenary. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The crew of the Munchhausen claim it was once commanded by the Baron of the same name, where he discovered one of the Mysterious Isles was made of cheese.
Points: 12 2
Mercenary. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
Captain Smith credits the speed of his ship to a single member of his crew, a native shaman who claims to be able to control the winds.
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
The Bragi is crewed by Viking-descended Norsemen who set sail to explore the Mysterious Isles on the far side of the world.
HMS Globe
Points: 9 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Captain Sherman volunteered for the voyage to the Mysterious Isles in hopes of finding a legendary diamond mine said to be hidden beneath a volcano.
USS Mohican
Points: 10 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
After proving herself against pirates along the African and Brazilian coast, the Mohican was sent to help open the waters of the south Pacific to American ships.
Le Renard qui Vole
Points: 7 1
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Shipwrecked in Manila, the French crew of the "Flying Fox" spent two years building the ship and named her for the enormous bats in the area.
Points: 7 1
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
Due to their fascination with black powder and explosions, the captain and many of the crew of the Blackwater are nearly deaf.
Points: 8 1
This ship can shoot at submerged ships within S of her.
The Güímar's French crew was stunned to find pyramids in the Mysterious Isles similar to those in the town for which their ship was named.
Le Jongleur
Points: 11 1
Mercenary. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Once a French galley, the Jongleur was captured by mercenaries when it ran aground on the shores of Van Diemen's Land.
Points: 8 1
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.
The masthead of the Hanno is a carving of the ancient explorer and navigator of the same name, guiding the ship through the treacherous waters of the Mysterious Isles.
Points: 11 1
Mercenary. This ship can’t be shot at by ships within S of her.
On the Phlegyas, the names of those who fall in battle are carved into its masts, and their spirits are said to protect the ship.
HMN Rumbarrel
Points: 8 1
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Her Majesty's Nightmare Rumbarrel is crewed by rowdy pirates feared by English sailors and weak-willed innkeepers around the world.
HMS Obsidian Sun
Points: 9 1
Mercenary. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
Filled with treasure, the Obsidian Sun was given by the Chinese emporer to Ambassdor Fogg after he rescued the emporer's kidnapped mother from Robur.
Sea Storm
Points: 12 1
Mercenary, Turtle Ship. If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.
The Sea Storm prefers to waylay European ships travelling the sea routes between the African coast and Asia.
Seven Brothers
Points: 12 1
Mercenary, Turtle Ship. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.
On the day it set sail, omens said the Seven Brothers would not return to port until its holds had been filled with gold a hundred times.
Divine Dragon
Points: 7 1
Mercenary, Turtle Ship. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew and one mast from the rammed ship.
The Chinese sailors aboard the Divine Dragon claim that when their ship rams another, their golden dragon masthead will come to life and fight for them.
Silver Current
Points: 9 1
Mercenary, Turtle Ship. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a submarine.
The captain of the Silver Current is called the "Mountain of Wealth" and has brought untold riches to her crew in Chinese ports.
USS Mercury
Points: 16 3
Submarine. This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her hull pieces.
The Mercury is the first American "war submersible" made using plans from the captured ship Lamon by Montana Mays and revised by Admirals from Annaloplis.
Points: 12 2
Link: Thane Hartless
Submarine. Mercenary. Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.
The least seen of Nemos "children" the Slipstream spends more of her time exploring the oceans of the world than with dealing with the man and his follies.
Thane Hartless
Points: 5
Link: Slipstream
Ex-patriot. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.
The only "submersible" captain that openly recruits crew and allows crew to leave when they want. Because of that policy Thane has become an outcast of the other outcasts. Nemo has shunned him and Gustov would like him dead, but Thane has became the friend of sailors looking toward the future.
Abandoned Crew
When placing treasure, you may place one or more of these crew rather than a treasure, on a one-for-one basis; you must still place the required value of gold. These crew may use their abilities on any ship. Follow all other treasure-placement and crew rules.
Points: 13 3
Link: Edward Low
Submarine. If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship's crew.
Few know that the stories told of Davy Jones' Locker are true-and more nightmarish than can be imagined. The damned crew of this ship exist only to cause fear and spread death to those who sail above the waves.
Points: 14 2
Submarine. Ghost Ship.
Davy Jones handpicked the crew of the Pyre.They are all ghost who were victims of torture and imprisonment and who now want only one thing: revenge on those who took their lives.
Edward Low
Points: 8
Link: Locker
If an enemy ship is within S of this ship you can use this ship's action for the turn to try to possess a target crew on that ship. Roll a d6, on a result of 6, the target is immediately assigned to this ship. Its nationality changes to match the nationality of this ship.
It was with the most sinister joy that Davy Jones reanimated Edward Low. Low was the worst of the pirates, a murderer, torturer, and vile human being who lived to see others suffer. Low was tasked with gathering the first of the Cursed crew, and he now commands the Locker.
Gem of Hades
This ship and all crew on her become part of The Cursed faction.
Points: 13 3
Link: Sigurd Andersen
Icebreaker. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.
This modern and magnificent vessel, under the command Sigurd Andersen, is the flagship and the pride of the new Viking fleet.
Points: 13 3
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.
The Wiglaf’s crew named their vessel for the famed Swedish dragon-slayer, and they draw from his strength as they hunt the Cursed.
Points: 17 3
Longship. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load up to two treasures. If able, she must leave on your next turn.
Eling the Bear has trained his crew to infiltrate enemy ports, and then get out quickly enough to live to pillage another day.
Points: 18 3
Longship. If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.
Johann One-Eye has learned that preying on the wounded is easier than attacking the strong.
Points: 15 3
Longship. On the turn this ship is pinned, eliminate one crew from the enemy ship.
Wulfsmasher has been charged with training future berserkers, so the warriors aboard his ship fight only when provoked.
Points: 18 3
Longship. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.
After having plied the waters of the frigid north for so long, Warlord Lunt’s crew are experts in the art of deftly maneuvering through ice.
Points: 17 3
Link: Shayna Duex
Longship. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she can carry.
Named for the home of the gods themselves, the Asgard was designed from bow to stern to carry plunder and win glory.
Points: 16 3
Longship. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against sea monsters.
The Hrothgar’s crew have sworn a blood oath to protect Scandinavian shipping from all threats—especially those that lurk beneath the surface.
Points: 15 2
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against the Cursed. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.
Sailors aboard the Grendel are regarded as wild and bloodthirsty, and ships will add weeks to their journeys just to avoid them.